Child Case Study 6C
Anxiety, Autism, Hyperactive, Sensory Issues, Speech Delay.
"It is easier to bring my son out now. He has better mood and better concentration. His sleep has improved a lot. He eats better and more calmly. His taste buds have changed 30-40%, falling in love with fruits. He can now express his desire and his unhappiness, just after 3 months of Sleep Therapy.
The miracle of koo energy Healing Mat.
With koo energy Accelerated Learning Programme, he can even dance and read aloud storybooks now."
~ Mdm Waani
"It is easier to bring my son out now. He has better mood and better concentration. His sleep has improved a lot. He eats better and more calmly. His taste buds have changed 30-40%, falling in love with fruits. He can now express his desire and his unhappiness, just after 3 months of Sleep Therapy.
The miracle of koo energy Healing Mat.
With koo energy Accelerated Learning Programme, he can even dance and read aloud storybooks now."
~ Mdm Waani
Background Info
6yo Boy T (Singapore)
Medical history: Anxiety. Autism, Hyperactive, Sensory Issues, Speech Delay.
Started using Sleep Therapy on 4.12.19.
Embarked on Accelerated Learning Programme on 1.4.19.
Medical history: Anxiety. Autism, Hyperactive, Sensory Issues, Speech Delay.
Started using Sleep Therapy on 4.12.19.
Embarked on Accelerated Learning Programme on 1.4.19.
After 3 Months
After 3 months, both mother and father have witnessed many changes in all aspects of the boy's daily life. Watch the parents' interviews below.
After 3 months, both mother and father have witnessed many changes in all aspects of the boy's daily life. Watch the parents' interviews below.
General Process
Much better behaviour - Father found it easier to bring him out.
Sharing of very happy parents of 6yo Boy T.
Better mood, better concentration.
Night use of Sleep Therapy.
Adding extra energy boost in the day.
Sleep improves.
Dietary Habit
Dietary changes - Eats better and calmly now.
Falls in love with fruits now.
Explores food - Taste bud 30-40% changed.
Taste buds change - Asks for fried egg.
Asks to go out. Expresses his unhappiness.
Expressing itchiness (can say "itchy" too).
Says "Hi Lucas!"
Kissing Mama with "muak" sound effect.
Kisses Papa and Sister.
Says "Good job!"
Learns fast now with a storybook.
Drawing and spelling car.
Engaging in puzzle and says "Cat".
Focus on puzzle.
Focus and happy on puzzle.
Focus with Othello.
Not triggered by sister's interruption.
Detox Reactions of Boy
Detox reactions - Able to perspire now.
Emotional sensitivity during detox.
Excited Jerk.
3yo Sister's Improvement After 3 Months
Calmer, learns faster, receptive.
Better control of the pen - Trace out V and W.
"I want paper ...please."
Got paper to draw birthday.
Happy and angry faces with Othello.
Draws monster.
Draws Grandma.
Mother's Improvement
Mother shares how she benefits in aspects of her health:
Faster hair growth.
Mother benefitting greatly from Sleep Therapy too besides son's vast improvement.
Tummy gone down.
Menstrual pain - Unbearable.
Detox like sinus to relieve asthma.
Detox heart palpitation to relieve asthma.
Mouth detox - Reduced cravings.
Reduced chocolate cravings.
Reduced Macdonald cravings.
Mother trying to improves mental health.
Mother needs Father to chip in to help.
Father's Improvement After 3 Months
Father also shares how he benefits from the koo energy Sleep Therapy:
Husband sees her eating lesser and feeling happier.
Sleeping more.
Helps out with shower.
After 1.5 Months of ALP
After 1.5 months of active learning with ALP, Mother is happy to share her son's progress, alongside with her daughter:
"I had to share this with you we had our dance session and i must say T managed to follow most of the steps I did.. he enjoyed it ...I was really jumping with joy as previously before using the koo energy Healing Mat, he would blankly look at me or just do one action and look else where but today he was with me dancing for about 30 mins."
After 1.5 months of active learning with ALP, Mother is happy to share her son's progress, alongside with her daughter:
"I had to share this with you we had our dance session and i must say T managed to follow most of the steps I did.. he enjoyed it ...I was really jumping with joy as previously before using the koo energy Healing Mat, he would blankly look at me or just do one action and look else where but today he was with me dancing for about 30 mins."
Good coordination. Amazing dance exercise.
Responding to father - Boy wants biscuits.
Children having fun together.
Reading his favourite ALP storybook.
Motivated to read while sister read ALP storybook.
Boy reads ALP book with mum's guidance.
Sister reads with great expression.
Fun with ALP craft - Play dough fun.
Improving in fine motor skills - Scissors.
Draws a smiley face with good grip of the marker.
Writes his own name.
Boy engages with sister in a two-way communication.
ALP painting time with sister.
ALP Art and Craft - Making the very hungry caterpillar.
Boy narrates ALP story sequence.
Reading - I CAN DO IT!
Sounding words (Healing) Mat.
Learning to read the FUN way!
Learning to write the fun ALP way!
After 3 Months of ALP
Miracle of the Healing Mat - More coordinated body movement - Taking instructions.
Learning with ALP audio, books and activities, falling in love with ALP storybooks.
Smelly detox with healing food.
Reading after learning phonics and boy learns so much better after koo energy and ALP.
School Issues - Learning so much faster now.
Sister's Progress After 6 Months of Sleep Therapy
3yo Sister J
3yo Sister J
Eczema skin outbreak - Big patch with bubbles.
Calf detox with blisters.
Mother's Progress After 6 Months of Sleep Therapy
Better sleep, eczema watery discharge, period debris, better motion & vision.
Asthma detox - Breathlessness.
Previous coka-cola addiction after giving birth.
Previous 'smashed' into depression + post natal blue + suicidal.
Depressive relapse - Don't lose hope - Society view - There is a way!
After 1 year of koo energy Sleep Therapy
Improvement after 1 year of using koo energy Healing Mat, and 8 months of embarking on koo energy Accelerated Learning Programme.
Improvement after 1 year of using koo energy Healing Mat, and 8 months of embarking on koo energy Accelerated Learning Programme.
Mother and Father shared with us how the boy has progressed over the past few months:
"A lot of changes: Previously no tears, now a lot. Phlegm from the nose. He is calmer - we can bring him to shopping for Deepavali.."
"A lot of changes: Previously no tears, now a lot. Phlegm from the nose. He is calmer - we can bring him to shopping for Deepavali.."
Food Healing Detox - Hyperactive, emotional, withdrawal symptoms 2-3 weeks, skin rashes
Toilet Training - not letting it out motion, can control urine, dirty yellow, smelly
After 8 months of ALP
After 8 months of ALP (12 months of Sleep Therapy, parents share the further progress of their boy:
After 8 months of ALP (12 months of Sleep Therapy, parents share the further progress of their boy:
ALP Progress - he loves the story, he can actually tell the whole story.
Before - focus & concentration not there. After - can follow instructions very well.
Normal Child Care Centre Principal's feedback: he looks like a very smart boy