Child Case Study 4A
Anxiety, Autism, Echolalia, Sensory Issues, Sleep Issues.
“She seemed to have jumped out of her own world - she has started to communicate and is aware of what is going on now. She has definitely improved in her language ability. Now she has no more echolalia. She doesn't repeat what we just say.
She is able to create her own sentences. She says things that I have never heard before. She can even negotiate with me over the use of handphone to watch her favourite Elmo’s World, just after 15 months of Sleep Therapy.”
~ Mdm Mattar
“She seemed to have jumped out of her own world - she has started to communicate and is aware of what is going on now. She has definitely improved in her language ability. Now she has no more echolalia. She doesn't repeat what we just say.
She is able to create her own sentences. She says things that I have never heard before. She can even negotiate with me over the use of handphone to watch her favourite Elmo’s World, just after 15 months of Sleep Therapy.”
~ Mdm Mattar
Background Info
4yo Girl M (Singapore)
Medical history: Anxiety, Autism, Echolalia, Sensory Issues.
Diagnosed with moderate autism in Mar 2017. No eye-contact when spoken to. Had difficulty answering questions and expressing herself. Very fidgety. In a world of her own most of the times. Easily irritated and having frequent melt-downs at home and in public. Sleeping pattern was upside-down, finding it hard to sleep at night; falling asleep only around 5am, and sleeping in the day.
Started koo energy Sleep Therapy (Healing Mat without heat)
Medical history: Anxiety, Autism, Echolalia, Sensory Issues.
Diagnosed with moderate autism in Mar 2017. No eye-contact when spoken to. Had difficulty answering questions and expressing herself. Very fidgety. In a world of her own most of the times. Easily irritated and having frequent melt-downs at home and in public. Sleeping pattern was upside-down, finding it hard to sleep at night; falling asleep only around 5am, and sleeping in the day.
Started koo energy Sleep Therapy (Healing Mat without heat)
At A Glance
Mother shared the following changes in her daughter after 15 months of koo energy Sleep Therapy:
- Much better now.
- Tremendous improvement in language.
- Calmer. Ability to express herself.
- Very much easier child.
- Able to communicate. Can tell us how she feels.
- Did not see a drastic change, except fever once.
- Behaviour has improved a lot. A lot more flexible now.
- Her head sort of cleared up.
- Aware of what is going on now.
- As though she jumped out of her own world.
- Much better than before. Can reason with her now.
- Language has definitely improved. No more echolalia.
- She can create her own sentences. She can say it in different ways. Completely verbal now.
- It is a subtle healing process.
“My daughter was diagnosed with moderate autism when she was about 4. She had very little language. She used to have meltdowns. She would basically scream and be very difficult to control. Very upset when things didn’t go her way because of this inability to communicate her frustration. She used to run to the middle of the road. It was just very difficult to bring her out. We practically almost stayed at home most of the time.
She was quite inflexible before. Certain things she had to do it a certain way. One of her things was if she went to the lift, she had to press the button. If she didn’t press the button, she literally couldn’t get into the lift. She would even lie down in front of the lift, if she got frustrated. This happened even in public. Her brothers were quite used to it. They were all pretty used to like “M is doing the thing…”
Because of the inability to communicate - both for her to communicate out and for us to communicate to her. It was difficult to get her to understand why certain things happened. With normal kids, you can bribe them or you can reason with them. For her it didn’t work. Bribery didn’t work. Reasoning didn’t work. Because she didn’t understand what we said. And she also could not tell us what she felt. So the frustration sort of just built up. I think that is what I felt for her what autism was - she was just frustrated inside.
She was very delayed. She didn’t speak until she was close to 4. Then after that, she had a lot of echolalia - she just repeated back. She didn’t get that her response should be different. She actually had to be taught. There was a lot of teaching.”
She was quite inflexible before. Certain things she had to do it a certain way. One of her things was if she went to the lift, she had to press the button. If she didn’t press the button, she literally couldn’t get into the lift. She would even lie down in front of the lift, if she got frustrated. This happened even in public. Her brothers were quite used to it. They were all pretty used to like “M is doing the thing…”
Because of the inability to communicate - both for her to communicate out and for us to communicate to her. It was difficult to get her to understand why certain things happened. With normal kids, you can bribe them or you can reason with them. For her it didn’t work. Bribery didn’t work. Reasoning didn’t work. Because she didn’t understand what we said. And she also could not tell us what she felt. So the frustration sort of just built up. I think that is what I felt for her what autism was - she was just frustrated inside.
She was very delayed. She didn’t speak until she was close to 4. Then after that, she had a lot of echolalia - she just repeated back. She didn’t get that her response should be different. She actually had to be taught. There was a lot of teaching.”
After 2 Nights
Mother related her experience through WhatsApp [03/05 5:31pm]:
Q: Has M been sleeping on the Healing Mat?
Mother: Yes she has. She fell asleep really peacefully last night. (usually she takes a really long time) and was up and about earlier than normal! I hope it continues.
Mother related her experience through WhatsApp [03/05 5:31pm]:
Q: Has M been sleeping on the Healing Mat?
Mother: Yes she has. She fell asleep really peacefully last night. (usually she takes a really long time) and was up and about earlier than normal! I hope it continues.
After 1 Month
Mother came to collect extra cotton cover for the Healing Mat. She brought her daughter along. She appeared very alert. Previously, she used to appear rather lost. Girl took the cotton cover with a big smile, and said loudly, "Thank you!" This was the first time she actually gave eye-contact and was very responsive, even agreeing to pose for a photo. |
After 4 Months
Feedback from Mother: M was diagnosed with moderate autism in March 2017. She was extremely delayed in her language ability and had difficult meltdowns and behaviour patterns. Once she began using the Energy Mattress Pad (now know as koo energy Healing Mat), I noticed her becoming more “alert” and aware of the world around her. Her language ability, communication skills and behavioural patters gradually improved and continue to improve. We are very pleased with the results and grateful for the positive results! |
After 8 Months
"Teachers from the preschool that she is attending expressed that her communication skills has progressed so much that she could now interact with teachers and friends easily." ~ Mdm Sukesy
"Teachers from the preschool that she is attending expressed that her communication skills has progressed so much that she could now interact with teachers and friends easily." ~ Mdm Sukesy
She offers muffins to her guest.
She describes the muffins that she made and says her four brother’s names slowly.
She focuses well as her mother reads to her.
After 15 Months
"Tremendous improvement in her over the 1 year course of sleeping on koo energy Healing Mat to speed up her heavy metal detoxification. She did not experience any drastic healing reactions at all. It was a very subtle healing process.
She is much better now. She has just turned six. Tremendous improvement in language especially. She has become calmer because of her ability to express herself. She is able to speak and communicate. Definitely she is still delayed, compared to a six-year-old. Compared to before, she is a very much easier child. I do not have difficulty bringing her out now. She does not run about. She is much easier. Her brothers can bring her out without me.
She is much calmer. She is able to communicate and hence that makes it easier on both parties. Not only us, we can manage it. She could also tell us how she feels and it helps. I think because of autism, our main concern is her behaviour, which she has improved a lot. She is a bit more flexible now.
When she started using the Healing Mat, I felt that her head sort of ‘cleared up - she sort of came out a little bit. She started to communicate. She started to be aware a bit more about what was going on. We can now reason with her. She still gets frustrated. She is six and she is ‘spoilt’. She likes to get her way. She still has a bit of inflexibility when she wants her way. But it is definitely much better than before. She doesn’t cause scenes -meltdowns or lie on the floor. She might just get frustrated, but you can reason with her. We can give her alternatives.
She has definitely improved in her language ability. Now, she is a bit more flexible. She would go,” Mama can I have the biscuit?” She can say it in different ways. Maybe not so creative, language-wise. She is not very creative like what we would like her to become. But it is much better than before. She is able to start picking up the language from us in a more natural way.”
~ Mdm Sukesy
Watch the respective videos to see how she has progressed:
"Tremendous improvement in her over the 1 year course of sleeping on koo energy Healing Mat to speed up her heavy metal detoxification. She did not experience any drastic healing reactions at all. It was a very subtle healing process.
She is much better now. She has just turned six. Tremendous improvement in language especially. She has become calmer because of her ability to express herself. She is able to speak and communicate. Definitely she is still delayed, compared to a six-year-old. Compared to before, she is a very much easier child. I do not have difficulty bringing her out now. She does not run about. She is much easier. Her brothers can bring her out without me.
She is much calmer. She is able to communicate and hence that makes it easier on both parties. Not only us, we can manage it. She could also tell us how she feels and it helps. I think because of autism, our main concern is her behaviour, which she has improved a lot. She is a bit more flexible now.
When she started using the Healing Mat, I felt that her head sort of ‘cleared up - she sort of came out a little bit. She started to communicate. She started to be aware a bit more about what was going on. We can now reason with her. She still gets frustrated. She is six and she is ‘spoilt’. She likes to get her way. She still has a bit of inflexibility when she wants her way. But it is definitely much better than before. She doesn’t cause scenes -meltdowns or lie on the floor. She might just get frustrated, but you can reason with her. We can give her alternatives.
She has definitely improved in her language ability. Now, she is a bit more flexible. She would go,” Mama can I have the biscuit?” She can say it in different ways. Maybe not so creative, language-wise. She is not very creative like what we would like her to become. But it is much better than before. She is able to start picking up the language from us in a more natural way.”
~ Mdm Sukesy
Watch the respective videos to see how she has progressed:
She can negotiate with her mother over the use of handphone at bedtime.
She can introduce herself and her four brothers with ease.
She explains her art and craft project.
Mdm Sukesy shares her daughter's healing journey over the past 15 months.
Mdm Sukesy offers advice for parents dealing with a child's autism.
Q: Let’s talk about M.
Mother: My daughter was diagnosed with moderate autism when she was about 4. She had very little language. She used to have meltdowns. She would basically scream and be very difficult to control. Very upset when things didn’t go her way. Because of this inability to communicate her frustration.
She is much better now. She has just turned six. Tremendous improvement in language especially. She has become calmer because of her ability to express herself. She is able to speak and communicate. Definitely she is still delayed, compared to a six-year-old. Compared to before, she is a very much easier child. So I don’t have difficulty bringing her out now. She doesn’t run. She used to run to the middle of the road. It was just very difficult to bring her out. We practically almost stayed at home most of the time.
But now, she is much easier. Her brothers can bring her out without me. She is much calmer. She is able to communicate and hence that makes it easier on both parties. Not only us, we can manage it, she could also tell us how she feels and it helps.
Q: How was it like dealing with her before koo energy comes into the picture?
Mother: She was diagnosed in March 2017, just before she turned 5. At that time, she had just started school. We brought her to Rainbow school. Things started to improve around that time. It sort of coincided with the time we started the (koo energy Healing) Mat and the time that she started going to the special school.
Q: How was she like the first night she slept on the koo energy Healing Mat?
Mother: I don’t remember unfortunately. One thing about my girl is that we didn’t see a drastic improvement. There was no sign of detox reaction. There wasn’t. But compared to my (4) boys her age, she had actually never fallen sick. I could probably remember one fever and then she got over it. She doesn’t get stomach flu like her brothers used to get, running nose, cough and all that. Because she was not physically or significantly sick before, compared to her brothers, that was something good.
I think because of autism, our main concern is her behaviour, which she has improved a lot. She is a bit more flexible now. She was quite inflexible before. Certain things she had to do it a certain way. One of her things was if she went to the lift, she had to press the button. If she didn’t press the button, she literally couldn’t get into the lift. She would even lie down in front of the lift, if she got frustrated. So this happened even in public.
Q: How did you cope then?
A: We stop being embarrassed. We just coped. Her brothers were quite used to it. They were all pretty used to it (and would say something) like “M is doing the thing again…” We just waited for her to weigh it out. Sometimes, she got over it quickly, sometimes slowly. Because of the inability to communicate - both for her to communicate out and for us to communicate to her. It was difficult to get her to understand why certain things happened.
With normal kids, you can bribe them or you can reason with them. For her it didn’t work. Bribery didn’t work. Reasoning didn’t work. Because she didn’t understand what we said. And she also could not tell us what she felt. So the frustration sort of just built up. I think that is what I felt for her what autism was - she was just frustrated inside.
When she started using the koo energy Healing Mat, I felt that her head sort of ‘cleared up - she sort of came out a little bit. She started to communicate. She started to be aware a bit more about what was going on. We can now reason with her. She still gets frustrated. She is six and she is spoiled.
She likes to get her way. She still has a bit of inflexibility when she wants her way. But it is definitely much better than before. She doesn’t cause scenes - meltdowns or lie on the floor. She might just get frustrated, but you can reason with her. We can give her alternatives.
She has definitely improved in her language ability. She used to do a lot of echolalia. That was her first language. She was very delayed. She didn’t speak until she was close to 4. Then after that, she had a lot of echolalia - she just repeated back. So I go “What is your name?”. She goes “What is your name?”. “Do you want this?” “Do you want this?” She didn’t get that her response should be different.
When she wanted to ask for things, she asked from the other person’s point of view. She would say “Do you want this?” when she wanted something because her language processing was different. It was not a natural language acquisition that kids pick up without teaching. She actually had to be taught. I taught her “ I want this.” There was a lot of teaching.
Now she has no more echolalia. She doesn’t repeat what we just say. She is able to create her own sentences. She says things that I have never heard before. In the past, because the language was quite taught, she would say things in ways that have been taught. She would say “I want the biscuits please” because that was how she had been taught.
Now, she is a bit more flexible. She would go,” Mama can I have the biscuit?” She can say it in different ways. Maybe not so creative (yet), language-wise. She is not very creative like what we would like her to become. But it is much better than before. She is able to start picking up the language from us in a more natural way, than in artificially taught, purposeful kind of way.
Q: Did you have to change her diet when using the koo energy Healing Mat?
A: I didn’t think of changing her diet. No diet change. Nothing. I have 4 other children so I don’t really have the resources nor the time and the energy to do a lot for her. The only thing I can do for her is to spend time with her and try to teach her what I can, just with my time. But in terms of resources like diet change, medicine, even therapy - No.
Apart from what she does in school, we didn’t send her to any therapy. I have my own therapy, I guess. I mean I read up online. I work with her at home within my capacity. I am not a trained therapist. I didn’t go for any courses. By mother’s instinct, you sort of know them and you try to help them in ways that you think will help.
Q: Is she any different from other children in school?
A:Because she is in a special school, they have individualised education programme. Basically, that means that they teach her according to her individual needs. They have been working on for a year or six months in school. They have been working on getting her to speak. Because in school, she actually doesn’t speak. So the teachers had thought that she actually did not know how to speak.
So they gave her PEC cards, which are like picture cards to use instead of speech to communicate. But I told the teacher that she is only like that outside. At home, she is completely verbal. They had not realised that she is actually verbal, so they treated her like non-verbal.
Her issue now is not really language. Her issue now is her anxiety. She is actually nervous when she is in public, or with people she doesn’t know. She sort of doesn’t speak so people might think that she can’t speak. But she is very different at home. It’s her character and also I think she has anxiety issue. But this is improving. It takes time for her to learn. She is much less anxious now, as you can see.”
Little Girl came in.
Q:Nice. Whoo…What is that?
Girl: Unicorn hair band.
Q: Did you make this or did you buy this?
Girl: Buy this
Q: From?
Girl: Hairband shop.
Mother: My daughter was diagnosed with moderate autism when she was about 4. She had very little language. She used to have meltdowns. She would basically scream and be very difficult to control. Very upset when things didn’t go her way. Because of this inability to communicate her frustration.
She is much better now. She has just turned six. Tremendous improvement in language especially. She has become calmer because of her ability to express herself. She is able to speak and communicate. Definitely she is still delayed, compared to a six-year-old. Compared to before, she is a very much easier child. So I don’t have difficulty bringing her out now. She doesn’t run. She used to run to the middle of the road. It was just very difficult to bring her out. We practically almost stayed at home most of the time.
But now, she is much easier. Her brothers can bring her out without me. She is much calmer. She is able to communicate and hence that makes it easier on both parties. Not only us, we can manage it, she could also tell us how she feels and it helps.
Q: How was it like dealing with her before koo energy comes into the picture?
Mother: She was diagnosed in March 2017, just before she turned 5. At that time, she had just started school. We brought her to Rainbow school. Things started to improve around that time. It sort of coincided with the time we started the (koo energy Healing) Mat and the time that she started going to the special school.
Q: How was she like the first night she slept on the koo energy Healing Mat?
Mother: I don’t remember unfortunately. One thing about my girl is that we didn’t see a drastic improvement. There was no sign of detox reaction. There wasn’t. But compared to my (4) boys her age, she had actually never fallen sick. I could probably remember one fever and then she got over it. She doesn’t get stomach flu like her brothers used to get, running nose, cough and all that. Because she was not physically or significantly sick before, compared to her brothers, that was something good.
I think because of autism, our main concern is her behaviour, which she has improved a lot. She is a bit more flexible now. She was quite inflexible before. Certain things she had to do it a certain way. One of her things was if she went to the lift, she had to press the button. If she didn’t press the button, she literally couldn’t get into the lift. She would even lie down in front of the lift, if she got frustrated. So this happened even in public.
Q: How did you cope then?
A: We stop being embarrassed. We just coped. Her brothers were quite used to it. They were all pretty used to it (and would say something) like “M is doing the thing again…” We just waited for her to weigh it out. Sometimes, she got over it quickly, sometimes slowly. Because of the inability to communicate - both for her to communicate out and for us to communicate to her. It was difficult to get her to understand why certain things happened.
With normal kids, you can bribe them or you can reason with them. For her it didn’t work. Bribery didn’t work. Reasoning didn’t work. Because she didn’t understand what we said. And she also could not tell us what she felt. So the frustration sort of just built up. I think that is what I felt for her what autism was - she was just frustrated inside.
When she started using the koo energy Healing Mat, I felt that her head sort of ‘cleared up - she sort of came out a little bit. She started to communicate. She started to be aware a bit more about what was going on. We can now reason with her. She still gets frustrated. She is six and she is spoiled.
She likes to get her way. She still has a bit of inflexibility when she wants her way. But it is definitely much better than before. She doesn’t cause scenes - meltdowns or lie on the floor. She might just get frustrated, but you can reason with her. We can give her alternatives.
She has definitely improved in her language ability. She used to do a lot of echolalia. That was her first language. She was very delayed. She didn’t speak until she was close to 4. Then after that, she had a lot of echolalia - she just repeated back. So I go “What is your name?”. She goes “What is your name?”. “Do you want this?” “Do you want this?” She didn’t get that her response should be different.
When she wanted to ask for things, she asked from the other person’s point of view. She would say “Do you want this?” when she wanted something because her language processing was different. It was not a natural language acquisition that kids pick up without teaching. She actually had to be taught. I taught her “ I want this.” There was a lot of teaching.
Now she has no more echolalia. She doesn’t repeat what we just say. She is able to create her own sentences. She says things that I have never heard before. In the past, because the language was quite taught, she would say things in ways that have been taught. She would say “I want the biscuits please” because that was how she had been taught.
Now, she is a bit more flexible. She would go,” Mama can I have the biscuit?” She can say it in different ways. Maybe not so creative (yet), language-wise. She is not very creative like what we would like her to become. But it is much better than before. She is able to start picking up the language from us in a more natural way, than in artificially taught, purposeful kind of way.
Q: Did you have to change her diet when using the koo energy Healing Mat?
A: I didn’t think of changing her diet. No diet change. Nothing. I have 4 other children so I don’t really have the resources nor the time and the energy to do a lot for her. The only thing I can do for her is to spend time with her and try to teach her what I can, just with my time. But in terms of resources like diet change, medicine, even therapy - No.
Apart from what she does in school, we didn’t send her to any therapy. I have my own therapy, I guess. I mean I read up online. I work with her at home within my capacity. I am not a trained therapist. I didn’t go for any courses. By mother’s instinct, you sort of know them and you try to help them in ways that you think will help.
Q: Is she any different from other children in school?
A:Because she is in a special school, they have individualised education programme. Basically, that means that they teach her according to her individual needs. They have been working on for a year or six months in school. They have been working on getting her to speak. Because in school, she actually doesn’t speak. So the teachers had thought that she actually did not know how to speak.
So they gave her PEC cards, which are like picture cards to use instead of speech to communicate. But I told the teacher that she is only like that outside. At home, she is completely verbal. They had not realised that she is actually verbal, so they treated her like non-verbal.
Her issue now is not really language. Her issue now is her anxiety. She is actually nervous when she is in public, or with people she doesn’t know. She sort of doesn’t speak so people might think that she can’t speak. But she is very different at home. It’s her character and also I think she has anxiety issue. But this is improving. It takes time for her to learn. She is much less anxious now, as you can see.”
Little Girl came in.
Q:Nice. Whoo…What is that?
Girl: Unicorn hair band.
Q: Did you make this or did you buy this?
Girl: Buy this
Q: From?
Girl: Hairband shop.