儿童疗愈 3D
“睡眠方面,几乎一切都改变了。有时侯,她能在 5 分钟内入睡。半夜也不容易被半夜哭闹的弟弟吵醒。 她开始吃苹果和葡萄等新的水果。
令人惊讶的是,在过去的几个星期里,她几乎每天都排便。 刷牙时,不再挣扎。只要给她一把牙刷,她就知道要刷牙。洗头也不再哭了。
我们现在很难发现她一个人独自玩耍。她总是在和哥哥们玩耍。她现在知道怎么玩玩具了。 专注力更长,更容易与他人互动。现在,她会用乐高积木制作一些东西,比如塔和船。 再也不往她嘴里塞东西了。不会踮起脚尖走路。如果她注意到我们拍了她的视频,她会停下来,并微笑。
不再有不恰当的傻笑声。她更能遵从指令。 她还会主动牵着哥哥的手,和他们一起玩和唱歌。
她会尝试试图通过声音与我们交流。如果活动需要唱歌,她也会尝试模仿声音。 不再乱抓人或哭闹。她第一次叫‘妈妈’。说话比以前清楚,也会发出有更多的声音,比如 1234,并说出有意思的话。”
“睡眠方面,几乎一切都改变了。有时侯,她能在 5 分钟内入睡。半夜也不容易被半夜哭闹的弟弟吵醒。 她开始吃苹果和葡萄等新的水果。
令人惊讶的是,在过去的几个星期里,她几乎每天都排便。 刷牙时,不再挣扎。只要给她一把牙刷,她就知道要刷牙。洗头也不再哭了。
我们现在很难发现她一个人独自玩耍。她总是在和哥哥们玩耍。她现在知道怎么玩玩具了。 专注力更长,更容易与他人互动。现在,她会用乐高积木制作一些东西,比如塔和船。 再也不往她嘴里塞东西了。不会踮起脚尖走路。如果她注意到我们拍了她的视频,她会停下来,并微笑。
不再有不恰当的傻笑声。她更能遵从指令。 她还会主动牵着哥哥的手,和他们一起玩和唱歌。
她会尝试试图通过声音与我们交流。如果活动需要唱歌,她也会尝试模仿声音。 不再乱抓人或哭闹。她第一次叫‘妈妈’。说话比以前清楚,也会发出有更多的声音,比如 1234,并说出有意思的话。”
3岁 女孩 T(汶莱)
开始使用 koo energy 能量垫,进行 koo energy 睡眠疗愈。
1) 睡眠品质与精神状态
2) 饮食习惯
3) 厕所习惯
4) 性情
5) 专注力
6) 行为
7) 反应
8) 沟通 技巧
9) 肢体语言
开始使用 koo energy 能量垫,进行 koo energy 睡眠疗愈。
1) 睡眠品质与精神状态
2) 饮食习惯
3) 厕所习惯
4) 性情
5) 专注力
6) 行为
7) 反应
8) 沟通 技巧
9) 肢体语言
On 7.8.21, parents sent in the updates in progress through WhatsApp.
1a. Less active at bedtime.
1b. Less tantrums/crying at bedtime.
1c. Easier for her to fall asleep. Usually takes 10-15mins. but if she doesn't take a nap during the day, she will fall asleep in 5mins.
1d. Less turning & tossing around during her sleep.
1e. Heavy breathing heard less than before, only sometimes. Now u ask, i just realise it has been a week i don't hear it.
1f. Mouth ajar observed during her sleep less than before.
1g. Waking up less often in the middle of the night than before.
1h. Less whining/crying in her sleep than before.
1i. More difficult to be awakened up by her brothers than before.
1j. Will fall back to sleep straight away, even if awakened by brothers.
1k. Feeling more refreshed/charged up in the morning.
1l. Less tired in the day.
2a. Drinking distilled water everyday, without miss.
2b. Drinking more water than before use of Healing Mat.
2c. Better appetite than before Sleep Therapy, but still picky eater
2d. Eating more or less than before.
2e. Any change in her preference for specific texture besides soft/hard? A bit improved.
2f. Has she been trying any new food over the past 1 month? She tried to taste apple and grape.. eat one/two bite of apple..
2g. Chewing her food more or less than before Sleep Therapy.
2h. Eating by herself more than before.
2i. Taking a shorter time to eat than before.
2j. Is she still drinking cows milk? Yes, full cream.2-3 times per day. Even we reduce until half scoop per 260ml, she finished it in no time..
2k. Is she still taking butter (no) /cheese in bday cake only (yes) once in a while (her brother bday cake)/yogurt(no)/cake(yes) same situation as cheese../icecream(yes) once in a very long period, like once a month or two.
2l. Eating fried food less often than before Sleep Therapy.
3a. Upon waking up in the morning or after naptime, is her diaper wetter than before.
3b. Urine colour darker yellow on the diaper than before use of Healing Mat.
3c. Passing more in the day. Diapers heavier than before , changing more often than before.
3d. Is she expressing more or less if she wants to pee/pass motion? Not yet..
3e. Trying to bring her to toilet for her urination and/or passing motion in the day.
3f. Passing motion more frequently than before Sleep Therapy.
3g. Sometimes only the color of faeces is different from before..
3h. Faces are harder, shorter, darker brown
3i. Faeces are more smelly.
3j. More willing to brush her teeth now than before Sleep Therapy. Easier than before. Sometimes, she wants to brush by herself..
3k. Gargling not yet. Spitting better than before..
3l. More cooperative at showering.
4a. Happier than before SleepTherapy.
4b. More willing to follow instructions.
4c. Less whining than before..
4d. More willing to share her toys/things.
5a. Slower or faster to get her attention than before Sleep Therapy? Still the same like before.
5b. A bit easier to engage her in any activity than before.
5c. Longer or shorter attention span at activity than before? Still the same..
5d. More or less eye contact than before? Same like before..
5e. Lately w,hile using sleep therapy, she is staring more into space .
5f. More or less handphone/tv/YouTube? More since covid 2nd wave hit brunei.. restrictions to going out.. but the difference is, from what we see, she more willing to imitate and follow the dance/instructions.. before she just sit..
5g. Any new interest developed lately? She likes to play with a real egg. After mixing it, she will put it on the microwave. Before Sleep Therapy, she did not like the texture of the egg, coz sticky n slimy.
6a. Less hyperactive than before.
6b. More jumping on couch.
6c. Definitely less putting things into her mouth.
6d. More or less stimming actions like spinning than before? More stimming actions like spinning than before. As we mentioned to you before, she will spin until feeling dizzy. Before Sleep Therapy, she would not feel dizzy at all.
6e. More tilting of head while looking at space.
6f. More or less tiptoeing observed than before? Will update.
6g. More or less inappropriate laughing fits than before Sleep Therapy? Still the same like before.
7a. Faster or slower in his response to mummy/daddy? Not consistent..
7b. Dollowing instructions better than before.
7c. Any changes in the way she responds to your instructions/questions? Yes.. willing to listen, follow and waiting. Better than before..
7d. Is she responding better or worse to instruction from school teacher? They cannot give any feedback yet, cos her school with them only for one month then covid 2nd wave hit, until now, she could not attend the school anymore.
7e. Any feedback from her school lately? No
8a. Expressing her desire more than before.
8b. How does she express her desire for food or things she wants? She takes the food or things to us..🤭 before she held our hand to things or food she wanted.
8c. Does she use more or less hand gestures than before? Can't clarify.. but looks like same like before.
9a. Is she showing more or less physical discomfort in body gestures? Maybe less..
9b. Is she still rubbing her eyes (less)/nose (yes and less) or scratching hand/head? Less than before.
9c. Pointing more or less than before.
9d. Pulling adult's hand for help less than before.
10a. A lot less mumbling sound than before Sleep Therapy.
10b. More willing to express herself.
10c. Copying parent's words more than before Sleep Therapy?
10d. More initiative to say words of her own, but still only sound, not really a word.
10e. More blurred sounds made.
10f. Using more or less words than before? Not
10g. What new or old sounds/ syllabus/words has she been saying lately? Aunty, ummi (mother) sometimes. Before Sleep Therapy, saying ayah and no only. She is making a sound if playing toys such as roar for dino or tiger... duck quackk.. pretend play eating she will say um um..
1a. Less active at bedtime.
1b. Less tantrums/crying at bedtime.
1c. Easier for her to fall asleep. Usually takes 10-15mins. but if she doesn't take a nap during the day, she will fall asleep in 5mins.
1d. Less turning & tossing around during her sleep.
1e. Heavy breathing heard less than before, only sometimes. Now u ask, i just realise it has been a week i don't hear it.
1f. Mouth ajar observed during her sleep less than before.
1g. Waking up less often in the middle of the night than before.
1h. Less whining/crying in her sleep than before.
1i. More difficult to be awakened up by her brothers than before.
1j. Will fall back to sleep straight away, even if awakened by brothers.
1k. Feeling more refreshed/charged up in the morning.
1l. Less tired in the day.
2a. Drinking distilled water everyday, without miss.
2b. Drinking more water than before use of Healing Mat.
2c. Better appetite than before Sleep Therapy, but still picky eater
2d. Eating more or less than before.
2e. Any change in her preference for specific texture besides soft/hard? A bit improved.
2f. Has she been trying any new food over the past 1 month? She tried to taste apple and grape.. eat one/two bite of apple..
2g. Chewing her food more or less than before Sleep Therapy.
2h. Eating by herself more than before.
2i. Taking a shorter time to eat than before.
2j. Is she still drinking cows milk? Yes, full cream.2-3 times per day. Even we reduce until half scoop per 260ml, she finished it in no time..
2k. Is she still taking butter (no) /cheese in bday cake only (yes) once in a while (her brother bday cake)/yogurt(no)/cake(yes) same situation as cheese../icecream(yes) once in a very long period, like once a month or two.
2l. Eating fried food less often than before Sleep Therapy.
3a. Upon waking up in the morning or after naptime, is her diaper wetter than before.
3b. Urine colour darker yellow on the diaper than before use of Healing Mat.
3c. Passing more in the day. Diapers heavier than before , changing more often than before.
3d. Is she expressing more or less if she wants to pee/pass motion? Not yet..
3e. Trying to bring her to toilet for her urination and/or passing motion in the day.
3f. Passing motion more frequently than before Sleep Therapy.
3g. Sometimes only the color of faeces is different from before..
3h. Faces are harder, shorter, darker brown
3i. Faeces are more smelly.
3j. More willing to brush her teeth now than before Sleep Therapy. Easier than before. Sometimes, she wants to brush by herself..
3k. Gargling not yet. Spitting better than before..
3l. More cooperative at showering.
4a. Happier than before SleepTherapy.
4b. More willing to follow instructions.
4c. Less whining than before..
4d. More willing to share her toys/things.
5a. Slower or faster to get her attention than before Sleep Therapy? Still the same like before.
5b. A bit easier to engage her in any activity than before.
5c. Longer or shorter attention span at activity than before? Still the same..
5d. More or less eye contact than before? Same like before..
5e. Lately w,hile using sleep therapy, she is staring more into space .
5f. More or less handphone/tv/YouTube? More since covid 2nd wave hit brunei.. restrictions to going out.. but the difference is, from what we see, she more willing to imitate and follow the dance/instructions.. before she just sit..
5g. Any new interest developed lately? She likes to play with a real egg. After mixing it, she will put it on the microwave. Before Sleep Therapy, she did not like the texture of the egg, coz sticky n slimy.
6a. Less hyperactive than before.
6b. More jumping on couch.
6c. Definitely less putting things into her mouth.
6d. More or less stimming actions like spinning than before? More stimming actions like spinning than before. As we mentioned to you before, she will spin until feeling dizzy. Before Sleep Therapy, she would not feel dizzy at all.
6e. More tilting of head while looking at space.
6f. More or less tiptoeing observed than before? Will update.
6g. More or less inappropriate laughing fits than before Sleep Therapy? Still the same like before.
7a. Faster or slower in his response to mummy/daddy? Not consistent..
7b. Dollowing instructions better than before.
7c. Any changes in the way she responds to your instructions/questions? Yes.. willing to listen, follow and waiting. Better than before..
7d. Is she responding better or worse to instruction from school teacher? They cannot give any feedback yet, cos her school with them only for one month then covid 2nd wave hit, until now, she could not attend the school anymore.
7e. Any feedback from her school lately? No
8a. Expressing her desire more than before.
8b. How does she express her desire for food or things she wants? She takes the food or things to us..🤭 before she held our hand to things or food she wanted.
8c. Does she use more or less hand gestures than before? Can't clarify.. but looks like same like before.
9a. Is she showing more or less physical discomfort in body gestures? Maybe less..
9b. Is she still rubbing her eyes (less)/nose (yes and less) or scratching hand/head? Less than before.
9c. Pointing more or less than before.
9d. Pulling adult's hand for help less than before.
10a. A lot less mumbling sound than before Sleep Therapy.
10b. More willing to express herself.
10c. Copying parent's words more than before Sleep Therapy?
10d. More initiative to say words of her own, but still only sound, not really a word.
10e. More blurred sounds made.
10f. Using more or less words than before? Not
10g. What new or old sounds/ syllabus/words has she been saying lately? Aunty, ummi (mother) sometimes. Before Sleep Therapy, saying ayah and no only. She is making a sound if playing toys such as roar for dino or tiger... duck quackk.. pretend play eating she will say um um..
On 2.10.21, Father was happy to share a photo taken at a birthday party and text update over WhatsApp:
"This one really suprise us.. before everytime we celebrate bday, or we go to bday party, its difficult for us to control her.. she will try to eat o touch the cake before any1 else.. she will throw tantrums n usually, i have to bring her somewhere else to c0ntrol n comfy her.. but last month, when we clebrate his brother bday.. she bhave really well and waiting n sitting patiently until we give her the cake.. easy to control her n ask her to wait n pose for picture taking session.."
And a video of her playing with her brother, and text update over WhatsApp:
"Before she dont want his brother to disturb her or play with her or touching.. n b4 she will get angry f the toys doesnt stand properly.. f fall down she will upset, cranky n crying.. but now, she ok with it . She play n share.. n she know f fall she can take it back.."
On 5.10.21
"Nwy, this one just happen today.. never before she playing like that.. knowing to see the mirror while combing her hair.."
On 6.10.21
"this video taken yesterday..we have to let her do it on the wall..😅because she already focus to write it.."
Has she written letters ABCDEF before koo energy Sleep Therapy?
"Not clear as yesterday. Before, more like a line only.. will try to look for the picture.. N before without making any sound.. just writing..From the vdeo, she pronounce abcdef..Although its not accurate enough.. but its still amaze us.."
"This one really suprise us.. before everytime we celebrate bday, or we go to bday party, its difficult for us to control her.. she will try to eat o touch the cake before any1 else.. she will throw tantrums n usually, i have to bring her somewhere else to c0ntrol n comfy her.. but last month, when we clebrate his brother bday.. she bhave really well and waiting n sitting patiently until we give her the cake.. easy to control her n ask her to wait n pose for picture taking session.."
And a video of her playing with her brother, and text update over WhatsApp:
"Before she dont want his brother to disturb her or play with her or touching.. n b4 she will get angry f the toys doesnt stand properly.. f fall down she will upset, cranky n crying.. but now, she ok with it . She play n share.. n she know f fall she can take it back.."
On 5.10.21
"Nwy, this one just happen today.. never before she playing like that.. knowing to see the mirror while combing her hair.."
On 6.10.21
"this video taken yesterday..we have to let her do it on the wall..😅because she already focus to write it.."
Has she written letters ABCDEF before koo energy Sleep Therapy?
"Not clear as yesterday. Before, more like a line only.. will try to look for the picture.. N before without making any sound.. just writing..From the vdeo, she pronounce abcdef..Although its not accurate enough.. but its still amaze us.."
"Before, she was 17kg. Now, 20-21kg."
See Detoxification Notes above.
Before she was 17kg. Now around 20-21kg.
Some children experienced weight loss when they lost appetite during intensive detoxification. Also because of so much discharge of toxins.
Before she was 17kg. Now around 20-21kg.
Some children experienced weight loss when they lost appetite during intensive detoxification. Also because of so much discharge of toxins.
"Bad Breath Like Motion & Urine Sharp Smell Very Bad."
Consultant: There was a season when you said she had smell in her breath? When was that?
Father: Shortly after Sleep Therapy started.
Consultant: How did you detect that? Did you go near her?
Father: While sleeping with her, I could smell it. Distinctive smell but different and not from food she had eaten.
Consultant: Is it something close to her motion & urine kind of smell?
Father: Maybe like that. I am trying to match the smell.
Consultant: Pungent smell like onion?
Father: Yes, sharp smell - very bad. In the early part of her sleep, there is no smell. In the middle of her sleep, maybe after 3-4 hours. there will be smell.
Consultant: Did it go away after a few days?
Father: Yes, it vanished after 2 days.
Father: Shortly after Sleep Therapy started.
Consultant: How did you detect that? Did you go near her?
Father: While sleeping with her, I could smell it. Distinctive smell but different and not from food she had eaten.
Consultant: Is it something close to her motion & urine kind of smell?
Father: Maybe like that. I am trying to match the smell.
Consultant: Pungent smell like onion?
Father: Yes, sharp smell - very bad. In the early part of her sleep, there is no smell. In the middle of her sleep, maybe after 3-4 hours. there will be smell.
Consultant: Did it go away after a few days?
Father: Yes, it vanished after 2 days.
"Urine very bad smell like rusty nail - metal."
Consultant: How about her urine? Did you notice any differences?
Father: Yellowish. Smell very bad.
Consultant: Can you describe the urine smell?
Father: Metal. Smell like rusty nail - metal.
More than before. Every morning. Before we changed diaper before Sleep, then until morning. Now in the middle of the night, the diapers will be wet.
Consultant: Frequency of passing urine is more. Quantity also more. Does this happen only in the middle of the night? Or throughout the day?
Father: Throughout the day.
Consultant: She has been drinking more water than normal?
Father: Yes, more water. Before Sleep Therapy, only 1 or 2 bottles. Now, maximum 6 bottles.
Consultant: Wow, that is very good solvent for her discharge.
Father: Yellowish. Smell very bad.
Consultant: Can you describe the urine smell?
Father: Metal. Smell like rusty nail - metal.
More than before. Every morning. Before we changed diaper before Sleep, then until morning. Now in the middle of the night, the diapers will be wet.
Consultant: Frequency of passing urine is more. Quantity also more. Does this happen only in the middle of the night? Or throughout the day?
Father: Throughout the day.
Consultant: She has been drinking more water than normal?
Father: Yes, more water. Before Sleep Therapy, only 1 or 2 bottles. Now, maximum 6 bottles.
Consultant: Wow, that is very good solvent for her discharge.
"Running during the fever and sometimes early in the morning."
Consultant: Did she go through the running nose?
Father: Yes, it happened during the fever. Running nose sometimes early in the morning. Then it vanished.
Consultant: The sneeze came on with no intervention.
Father: No Medication.
Father: Yes, it happened during the fever. Running nose sometimes early in the morning. Then it vanished.
Consultant: The sneeze came on with no intervention.
Father: No Medication.
"Very bad smell in her normal farting."
Consultant: If she had constipation for days, how would she smell like, in her farts? Do you noticed any difference, compared to before Sleep Therapy?
Mother: Before Sleep Therapy, difficult to hear her fart.
Father: But now, she has normal farting.
Before Sleep Therapy, there was no smell.
But now, sometimes very bad smell, usually before she passes motion.
Consultant: Is it continuous?
Father: Maximum two times.
Mother: Before Sleep Therapy, difficult to hear her fart.
Father: But now, she has normal farting.
Before Sleep Therapy, there was no smell.
But now, sometimes very bad smell, usually before she passes motion.
Consultant: Is it continuous?
Father: Maximum two times.
"After sleeping on Healing Mat, she would pass motion."
Father: When she was going to sleep, she might get stomachache . She woke up and tried to pass motion. But there was none. Then she slept with koo energy Healing Mat. The next morning, she would pass motion.
Consultant: Excellent. This is what I proposed and you are already doing it.
Consultant: Excellent. This is what I proposed and you are already doing it.
"There were moments when she covered her ears."
Consultant: Did she have any ear discharge?
Father: No.
Consultant: Did you see her rubbing or covering her ears?
Father: There were moments when she covered her ears. I thought she was just playing.
Consultant: Was this seen before Sleep Therapy?
Father: No.
Consultant: During intensive detox period, you saw that she was covering her ears more often. This is telling of discharge. Not to the extent of serious inflammation, clearing of viruses through this avenue is quite common among children undergoing Sleep Therapy for ASD symptoms.
Father: No.
Consultant: Did you see her rubbing or covering her ears?
Father: There were moments when she covered her ears. I thought she was just playing.
Consultant: Was this seen before Sleep Therapy?
Father: No.
Consultant: During intensive detox period, you saw that she was covering her ears more often. This is telling of discharge. Not to the extent of serious inflammation, clearing of viruses through this avenue is quite common among children undergoing Sleep Therapy for ASD symptoms.
"Her body warming up before fever. And she liked to soak in the tub 3-4 times a day."
Consultant: There was a report of her having rashes. Mummy spotted the redness especially on her thighs. Also on the episode of a period of time when she soaked herself in warm water. If you refused her, she would cry and throw tantrums. How long did it last?
Father: Around two weeks.
Consultant: You wrote in WhatsApp. She had fever on 27 Aug. You reported that she liked to soak in the tub for 3-4 times a day. And let it flow on her sensitive parts. Shortly fever came. It was her way of coping. Did it happen again after that?
Father: No.
Father: Around two weeks.
Consultant: You wrote in WhatsApp. She had fever on 27 Aug. You reported that she liked to soak in the tub for 3-4 times a day. And let it flow on her sensitive parts. Shortly fever came. It was her way of coping. Did it happen again after that?
Father: No.
Before |
After |
Very Hyperactive |
Not active before sleep. |
Sometimes crying before bedtime |
No more crying like before. |
45 minutes to an hour to fall asleep. |
5 to 20 minutes to fall asleep. |
Waking up in the middle of the night |
Sleeping through the night. |
Seemed to sleep well, but easily awakened especially by her little brother. |
Lately, she does not get awakened by the brother. |
Heavy breathing. |
No more heavy Breathing. |
Tossing and turning a lot in the sleep. |
There is less tossing around. |
In the past, she used to be very cranky. That is a sign of not enough sleep. |
Very active, but not disruptive. She has energy to jump around, playing with her brother. |
She did not like to share everything. She would play by herself. |
She can share toys with her brother and play with them. |
No movement. Only sitting in the corner, playing. |
Now, she is running around the round. She is more engaged. |
Before |
After |
Not drinking much water. 1-2 bottles。 |
Drinking more water than before. Now 6 bottles. |
Very picky eater if she doesn’t like the texture of the food, she will refuse to eat. |
Starting eating apples. The latest one is grape. She just tried to test it. |
Before, she would not touch an egg. |
Just yesterday, she ate an egg. |
Before she did not like the watermelon because it is watery. |
Receptive to trying watermelon now. |
Before |
After |
Chronic Constipation. Maximum of 10 days without passing motion。 |
For the past few weeks, she passed motion almost everyday. |
She used to struggle a lot during teeth brushing. We would wrap her up with towels. Roll her. Because her hands were very active, then she would scratch everything。 |
Now, no more struggling. We just prompt her, and she will just do it. Give her a toothbrush. Then she will know it is time to brush her teeth. She can do on her own. |
For shower, when we washed her hair, she would cry. She would try to turn off the tap. |
For shower, no problem now. Lately, she just wash her hair like normal. |
Before |
After |
Very hyperactive - she likes to jump from couch to couch. |
Still active but not disruptive. |
Did not want to share her toys/things (lack of understanding, social skills and concept of sharing. |
She is sharing toys with her brothers now. |
When alone, playing with toys, will get angry if anyone wants to play with her. |
It is ok for her brothers to play with her. She does not get angry any more if her brothers play with her. |
She will throw tantrums if she wants to do something but she cannot do it. |
Not throwing tantrums if she wants something but cannot do it. |
Before |
After |
Easily distracted. |
Longer attention span than before. |
Longer attention span than before. |
Easy to engage her in reading and writing. |
Before |
After |
Still putting things into mouth like colour pencils, water colour and toys since 2yo. |
No more putting things into her mouth at all. |
Stimming actions (spinning) sometimes tilting of the head. Before Sleep Therapy, she did not have any dizziness. |
Spinning still. But now, after 5 or 7 spins, then she will be dizzy. |
Before Sleep Therapy, there was no reason - she was just laughing. |
No more inappropriate. Less than before. There is reason to her laughing. |
In the past, she was tiptoeing a lot. |
No more tiptoeing. |
Before |
After |
In the past, she did not engage with her brothers. |
But now, she is playing with her brothers. Now she is joining in. |
She would not care, if the brother tried to play with her in the past. |
But now, she even takes her brother’s hand, and plays around with him. |
Cannot follow instructions. |
Follow instructions a lot better than before. |
She would just see us playing with her brothers. |
Now she will follow. Or she will initiate it. |
Before, maybe only expected - throw rubbish, take off shoes, sit. |
But now, there is more instruction she can follow. Like wait, sit, sleep first, many many, many than before. A lot better than before. |
Before |
After |
When she wanted something she would hold our hand sometimes using hand gestures. |
She does not hold our hands anymore. She just tries to take what she wants. If she cannot take it, she will point it, trying to communicate with us by making sounds. |
In the past, she would be grabbing us, or crying to get our attention. |
Lately, no crying. She will wait patiently. If the baby brother was calling Ume (mother), she followed. |
Before |
After |
Did not speak much functional words. |
There are a few words used in context. If there is a picture of a tiger. Sometimes, she will say ‘grrr’, and roar (gesture). She can say ‘Brush’, ‘Clean’, ‘Teeth’, ‘Help’. More words in the toilet. AEIOU - she can make the vowel sounds correctly. |
In the past, she could say ‘yes’ in our language, but she has no ability to know that it is a yes or a no. |
She is able to express herself clearly now. If she doesn’t want, she can pronounce clearly the word indat (no. in our language). |
Instead of Ume, she would say ‘woo’ only. |
(Father), it is clearer. |
Before |
After |
Before Sleep Therapy, she really did not like anyone to cut her hair, even if we just hold scissors, she would push us away and get angry. We had tried before, go to hair salon for kids that provide toys, cars, also provide movie cartoon to choose but she still did not want, because she knew someone will cut her hair, so daddy had to hugged her tightly, so the barber can cut her hair, it was really difficult time for us. |
She prompted us to cut her hair, after seeing, his brother and daddy cut their hair, she took the scissor by herself and went to mother. So mother tried, asking her to sit properly, she just followed and sat, without any movie or anything, she just waited patiently when i cut her hair, and she looked really happy when i pointed to her hair on the floor. |
No interactions with her siblings. only one way traffic. |
She is playing with her brother run n catch. |
Not aware of her self-identity. Never before, she has played like that. |
She's looking to the camera. Facing herself. Selfie. |
Before, more like a line only.. will try to look for the picture. Before without making any sound.. just writing.. Not clear as yesterday. |
She was doodling on the wall ABCDEF. From the video, she pronounced abcdef visibly. Although its not accurate enough.. but its still amazed us. |
In the past, she would just take any colours and give us to colour. No waiting. If we did not take the colours, she would throw a tantrum. |
Right now, if she gave us purple, we can ask for another colour. She always gives us the right colour. |
In the past, she could not follow the dots. |
Now, she can follow the dots correctly. |
Before she could not blow a candle. She would touch the fire. |
She can she blow candle now. She knows the candle is meant to be blown. |
In the past, she will eat or drink the bubbles. |
She likes to blow bubbles from soap water. |
- Sometimes crying before bedtime.
- Waking up in the middle of the night.
- Very Hyperactive
- Seemed to sleep well, but easily awakened, especially by her little brother.
- Heavy breathing heard by father who slept next to her.
- Tossing and turning a lot in the sleep.
"Almost everything has changed in her sleep."
Consultant: What are the changes you have seen in her sleep?
Almost everything has changed, compared to before.
There is less tossing around. No heavy breathing.
Anyone can play near her, because she will not wake up easily.
Consultant: What are the changes you have seen in her sleep?
Almost everything has changed, compared to before.
There is less tossing around. No heavy breathing.
Anyone can play near her, because she will not wake up easily.
"Sometimes, she will fall asleep within 5 minutes."
Consultant: She used to very active at bedtime.
Father: Not active before sleep. No crying like before.
Consultant: That is a lot of peace. How fast does she fall asleep these days?
Father: 15 to 20 mins. Sometimes she will fall asleep within 5 minutes.
Consultant: Compared to last time?
Father: Very different.
Consultant: Last time, how long did he take for her to fall asleep?
Father: 45 minutes to an hour. Every time, I would fall asleep first. But now, she falls asleep first.
Consultant: So daddy and mummy will find it a lot easier in terms of managing her and other children. That is a great relief.
Father: Not active before sleep. No crying like before.
Consultant: That is a lot of peace. How fast does she fall asleep these days?
Father: 15 to 20 mins. Sometimes she will fall asleep within 5 minutes.
Consultant: Compared to last time?
Father: Very different.
Consultant: Last time, how long did he take for her to fall asleep?
Father: 45 minutes to an hour. Every time, I would fall asleep first. But now, she falls asleep first.
Consultant: So daddy and mummy will find it a lot easier in terms of managing her and other children. That is a great relief.
"Not easily awakened by little brother crying in the middle of sleep."
Consultant: In the past, her sleeping hours used to be?
Father: Not non-stop.
Consultant: Disrupted sleep? Disturbed sleep in the past?
Father: Yes. She used to sleep at 10.30pm, wake up at 7am, but she was easily awakened at 1am, if her brother was crying.
Consultant: Lately, does she get disturbed in her sleep?
Father: No.
Consultant: Great! What are her sleeping hours now?
Father: Around 7pm to 7am.
Consultant: Wow! 12 hours of sleep?
Father: She is quite active in the morning. She has energy to play and Until now, she rarely takes nap.
Consultant: She can last the whole day without charging.
Father: Yes. But every night, she will fall asleep earlier and she sleeps for long hours.
Mother is sleeping in a different room with her youngest baby boy, while father is sleeping with the primary user.
Consultant: How about her sleep? Do you think she has progressed enough?
Mother: Yes. She has progressed. Very much improved.
Consultant: So she is sleeping through the night now?
Mother: Yes.
Consultant: How about her sleep? Do you think she has progressed enough?
Mother: Yes. She has progressed. Very much improved.
Consultant: So she is sleeping through the night now?
Mother: Yes.
"She started new fruits like apples and grapes."
Consultant: Do you feel any difference in her taste buds? And her liking to food? Is she more receptive to food now? There was a period she started taking apples. What are her current fruits?
Father: Apple. The latest one is grape. She is not eating it. She just tried to taste it.
Consultant: What other fruits are made available to her. Apples and Grapes are not what I recommended. What other fruits are made available to her?
Father: Banana. She likes to open it, kiss it and maybe taste it, smell it, but not eating it. Except banana fritters.
Consultant: You do not get nutrients because they are all destroyed. Amelia Bedelia is about a baby playing with a banana. I think she will fall in love with Amelia Bedelia. ALP introduces fruits that are of value to her, such that she enjoys eating. Fruit presentation is very important, like the Christmas tree watermelon that I showed you. Is she open to such fruits now?
Father: Only trying watermelon. We make shapes - like square, rectangle, stars.
Consultant: You can slice the watermelon and put it into a hat. Creativity. Comes in with engagement activity to get her interested and attracted to fruits - that is the top-quality glucose that we talk about in the next 3 months.
Consultant: Do you feel any difference in her taste buds? And her liking to food? Is she more receptive to food now? There was a period she started taking apples. What are her current fruits?
Father: Apple. The latest one is grape. She is not eating it. She just tried to taste it.
Consultant: What other fruits are made available to her. Apples and Grapes are not what I recommended. What other fruits are made available to her?
Father: Banana. She likes to open it, kiss it and maybe taste it, smell it, but not eating it. Except banana fritters.
Consultant: You do not get nutrients because they are all destroyed. Amelia Bedelia is about a baby playing with a banana. I think she will fall in love with Amelia Bedelia. ALP introduces fruits that are of value to her, such that she enjoys eating. Fruit presentation is very important, like the Christmas tree watermelon that I showed you. Is she open to such fruits now?
Father: Only trying watermelon. We make shapes - like square, rectangle, stars.
Consultant: You can slice the watermelon and put it into a hat. Creativity. Comes in with engagement activity to get her interested and attracted to fruits - that is the top-quality glucose that we talk about in the next 3 months.
"She is more receptive to watermelon."
Consultant: She used to be a fussy eater. right?
Father and Mother: Yes.
Consultant: Any difference? You mentioned before: If it was soft, she would eat. If she did not like the texture of the food, she would refuse to eat.
Do you see any changes?
Father: Yes. Like watermelon, before she did not like to touch it because it is watery. But now, she touches it. She plays with it but does not eat it.
Consultant: That is the final objective. At least she is receptive as in the smell is not putting her away. It is half the game conquered. You need to move on to encourage her to eat. Have a competition - who bites off the watermelon sooner.
Father and Mother: Yes.
Consultant: Any difference? You mentioned before: If it was soft, she would eat. If she did not like the texture of the food, she would refuse to eat.
Do you see any changes?
Father: Yes. Like watermelon, before she did not like to touch it because it is watery. But now, she touches it. She plays with it but does not eat it.
Consultant: That is the final objective. At least she is receptive as in the smell is not putting her away. It is half the game conquered. You need to move on to encourage her to eat. Have a competition - who bites off the watermelon sooner.
"Yesterday, she ate an egg for the first time."
Consultant: Any taste buds different? Is she open to new food lately.
Father: Before, she did not eat eggs. She would not even touch an egg. Just yesterday, she ate an egg.
Father: Before, she did not eat eggs. She would not even touch an egg. Just yesterday, she ate an egg.
"She is eating on her own with hands now."
Consultant: Last times, she used to be fed by the domestic helper. Does she eat on her own now?
Father: Yes.
Consultant: Is she using more of her hands or forks and spoons?
Father: Hands.
Consultant: Because you eat with your hands (family culture).
Father: Yes.
Father: Yes.
Consultant: Is she using more of her hands or forks and spoons?
Father: Hands.
Consultant: Because you eat with your hands (family culture).
Father: Yes.
"She is "She keeps chewing until finished."
Consultant: Is she chewing? Is it better?
Father: Better. She used to chew only a little bit, then swallow.
Consultant: Lately, do you notice the changes?
Father: Yes. She keeps chewing until finished.
Consultant: Ok Great, because the muscles need to be worked on and she is mastering it now.
Father: Better. She used to chew only a little bit, then swallow.
Consultant: Lately, do you notice the changes?
Father: Yes. She keeps chewing until finished.
Consultant: Ok Great, because the muscles need to be worked on and she is mastering it now.
"Amazingly, for this week, she just passed motion 4 times in 5 days. "
Consultant: Let’s talk about her main concern which is her constipation. In the past, what is her maximum number of days for constipation?
Father: Maximum round 10 days before Sleep Therapy.
Consultant: As you started her on Sleep Therapy, did it worsen first, before it improved?
Father: Yes, it worsened to nearly 2 weeks from 10 days.
Consultant: How did you resolve it eventually?
Father: Besides sleeping on Healing Mat, we let her drink distilled water added with lemon, like you suggested.
Consultant: Recently, how frequently is she passing motion now?
Father: Amazingly, for this week 5 days ago, she just passed motion 4 times in 5 days.
Consultant: Wow, that is an achievement!
Father: From 3 days ago, until today, she passed motion everyday.
Consultant: Excellent. Keep it up!
Father: For today, while we are having meeting with you right now. The helper told us the faeces are sticky, but no photo unfortunately.
Consultant: Sticky, meaning there might be mucus. What colour? Smell?
Father: Yellowish. Brownish. Smell very bad. A lot.
Consultant: Is it compact? Hard?
Father: No. Like soft. Yes fluffy, like what you showed me (another child) just now. Before, it was like a big ball.
Consultant: It is loosening up here, which is good. If it is hard, likely, it has been stuck there for a while. But if it is breaking up consistently like you are seeing in her fluffy discharge, this is a good sign that it is going smoothly. Excellent.
Consultant: Let’s talk about her main concern which is her constipation. In the past, what is her maximum number of days for constipation?
Father: Maximum round 10 days before Sleep Therapy.
Consultant: As you started her on Sleep Therapy, did it worsen first, before it improved?
Father: Yes, it worsened to nearly 2 weeks from 10 days.
Consultant: How did you resolve it eventually?
Father: Besides sleeping on Healing Mat, we let her drink distilled water added with lemon, like you suggested.
Consultant: Recently, how frequently is she passing motion now?
Father: Amazingly, for this week 5 days ago, she just passed motion 4 times in 5 days.
Consultant: Wow, that is an achievement!
Father: From 3 days ago, until today, she passed motion everyday.
Consultant: Excellent. Keep it up!
Father: For today, while we are having meeting with you right now. The helper told us the faeces are sticky, but no photo unfortunately.
Consultant: Sticky, meaning there might be mucus. What colour? Smell?
Father: Yellowish. Brownish. Smell very bad. A lot.
Consultant: Is it compact? Hard?
Father: No. Like soft. Yes fluffy, like what you showed me (another child) just now. Before, it was like a big ball.
Consultant: It is loosening up here, which is good. If it is hard, likely, it has been stuck there for a while. But if it is breaking up consistently like you are seeing in her fluffy discharge, this is a good sign that it is going smoothly. Excellent.
"For the past few weeks, she passed motion almost everyday."
Father: I was concerned about her constipation before Sleep Therapy.
For the past few weeks, she passed motion almost everyday.
Consultant: Excellent. Every time she passed motion, I heaved a sigh of relief. The condition intensified first before it improved.
For the past few weeks, she passed motion almost everyday.
Consultant: Excellent. Every time she passed motion, I heaved a sigh of relief. The condition intensified first before it improved.
"No more struggling. Just give her a toothbrush. Then she will know it is to to brush her teeth."
Consultant: How about showering? In the past, was she struggling with her showering or toothbrushing?
Father: Yes, she used to be struggling.
Consultant: Now?
Father: Now, no more struggling. Now, we just prompt her, and she will just do it.
Consultant: in the past, how did you cope with her tantrums?
Father: We would wrap her up with towels. Roll her. Because her hands were very active, then she would scratch everything.
Consultant: That is the most extreme I have heard - wrapping around towels. Lately, you do not have to wrap her anymore?
Father: Yes. Give her a toothbrush. Then she will know it is time to brush her teeth.
Consultant: Does she do it on her own?
Father: Ya.
Consultant: Excellent. This is also self-confidence when she can cope with the up-down movement.
Father: Yes, she used to be struggling.
Consultant: Now?
Father: Now, no more struggling. Now, we just prompt her, and she will just do it.
Consultant: in the past, how did you cope with her tantrums?
Father: We would wrap her up with towels. Roll her. Because her hands were very active, then she would scratch everything.
Consultant: That is the most extreme I have heard - wrapping around towels. Lately, you do not have to wrap her anymore?
Father: Yes. Give her a toothbrush. Then she will know it is time to brush her teeth.
Consultant: Does she do it on her own?
Father: Ya.
Consultant: Excellent. This is also self-confidence when she can cope with the up-down movement.
"Can spit now at toothbrushing."
Consultant:Was she able to spit or gargle in the past?
Father: No, got problem. She could not gargle nor spit.
Consultant: Now, any change?
Father: Spitting yes, but gargling not yet.
Consultant: Ok Play games with her. Have a toothbrush session, where you get her to brush with her brothers.
Father: No, got problem. She could not gargle nor spit.
Consultant: Now, any change?
Father: Spitting yes, but gargling not yet.
Consultant: Ok Play games with her. Have a toothbrush session, where you get her to brush with her brothers.
"No more crying at washing hair."
Consultant: Did she used to struggle in her shower in the past? Washing face especially?
Father: Yes, not washing face. Washing hair.
Consultant: How would she behave in the past?
Father: She would cry. She would try to close the water (turn off the tap). Lately, she just shower like normal. For shower, no problem now.
Consultant: That is good. Her sensory issues have been resolved. Therefore, she is not so sensitive to touch. That is good.
Father: Yes, not washing face. Washing hair.
Consultant: How would she behave in the past?
Father: She would cry. She would try to close the water (turn off the tap). Lately, she just shower like normal. For shower, no problem now.
Consultant: That is good. Her sensory issues have been resolved. Therefore, she is not so sensitive to touch. That is good.
"Hyperactive, angry and tantrums before Sleep Therapy."
- Very hyperactive - she liked to jump from couch to couch
- Did not want to share her toys/things (lack of understanding, social skills and concept of sharing
- When alone, playing with toys, would get angry if anyone wanted to play with her
- She would throw tantrums if she wants to do something but she could do it.
"Hardly for us to spot her playing alone right now."
Consultant: What are the changes in her temperament and attentiveness?
Father: She is still active. She is sharing toys with her brothers now. Hardly for us to spot her playing alone right now. Because it is ok for her brothers to play with her. She does not get angry any more if her brothers play with her.
Consultant: That is excellent.
"Now, she is playing with her brothers."
Consultant: Is it better these days, when she comes to playing her brothers? In the past, was she even engaged with her brothers?
Father: In the past, she did not engage with her brothers. But now, she is playing with her brothers. Now she is joining in.
Consultant: it is a good sign as it is a social skill she needs to pick up.
Father: In the past, she did not engage with her brothers. But now, she is playing with her brothers. Now she is joining in.
Consultant: it is a good sign as it is a social skill she needs to pick up.
"Very active, but not disruptive."
Consultant: In the past, she used to be very cranky. That is a sign of not enough sleep. Lately, how is her energy level in the daytime?
Father: Very active, but not disruptive. She has energy to jump around, playing with her brothers.
Consultant: Last time, what was her issue?
Father: She did not like to share everything. She would play by herself. No motion (movement). Only sitting in the corner, playing.
Now, she is running around the round. She is more engaged.
Consultant: So the brothers find her a joy to be with then.
Father: Yes.
Father: Very active, but not disruptive. She has energy to jump around, playing with her brothers.
Consultant: Last time, what was her issue?
Father: She did not like to share everything. She would play by herself. No motion (movement). Only sitting in the corner, playing.
Now, she is running around the round. She is more engaged.
Consultant: So the brothers find her a joy to be with then.
Father: Yes.
"She knows the way to play with toys now."
Father: Not throwing tantrums if she wants something but cannot do it.
Consultant: That is great.
Father: Like the robot. If she cannot make it stand up. Before she would cry, or she would throw the toys. But now, she looks at us playing as a game. If it goes down, then she will put it up again.
Consultant: That is great understanding that this is how the toy should be played with. So she knows the way to play with toys now.
Consultant: That is great.
Father: Like the robot. If she cannot make it stand up. Before she would cry, or she would throw the toys. But now, she looks at us playing as a game. If it goes down, then she will put it up again.
Consultant: That is great understanding that this is how the toy should be played with. So she knows the way to play with toys now.
"She is much calmer than before."
Father: Before Sleep Therapy, if we attended a birthday event, it was very hard for us. Father would have to handle and mother would have to get ready everything or vice-versa.
But now, she can wait patiently. She just sees me get ready. She knows when to wait for the cake. She is much calmer than before. A lot of changes.
But now, she can wait patiently. She just sees me get ready. She knows when to wait for the cake. She is much calmer than before. A lot of changes.
Consultant: Do you find any difference in her attention span, compared to last time?
Father: Longer than before. Easy to engage her.
Consultant: Excellent. Has mummy or daddy done any activities with her?
Father: Yes.That is the approach also, to have some time for her in writing and reading.
Father: Longer than before. Easy to engage her.
Consultant: Excellent. Has mummy or daddy done any activities with her?
Father: Yes.That is the approach also, to have some time for her in writing and reading.
"Right now, if she gives us purple, we can ask for another colour."
Consultant: How was it different in the past?
Father: In the past, she would just take any colours and give us to colour. No waiting. If we did not take the colours, she would throw a tantrum.
Right now, if she gives us purple, we can ask for another colour. She always gives us the right colour.
Sometimes, she colours on her own. If the picture is bigger and there is a lot to colour, then she will asks us to colour too.
Consultant: You may give her age-appropriate pictures that are easier for her to accomplish at 3 year-old, so that it is achievable. You need to give her confidence as she achieves competence.
Father: In the past, she would just take any colours and give us to colour. No waiting. If we did not take the colours, she would throw a tantrum.
Right now, if she gives us purple, we can ask for another colour. She always gives us the right colour.
Sometimes, she colours on her own. If the picture is bigger and there is a lot to colour, then she will asks us to colour too.
Consultant: You may give her age-appropriate pictures that are easier for her to accomplish at 3 year-old, so that it is achievable. You need to give her confidence as she achieves competence.
"Now, she makes something with the LEGO blocks, like tower and ships."
Consultant: Have you started any building blocks for her? Like LEGO?
Father: Before, she had LEGO blocks. Before Sleep Therapy, she just lined up the blocks. Now, she makes something with the blocks. Maybe tower. Sometimes, she tried to make ships. She was trying to make a shape.
Consultant: Do you have the themed ones, like police car, fire engine or even kitchen set for LEGO.
Father: Yes, she likes kitchen set.
Consultant: You may want to extend the collection so that she can build on her creativity, and even come out with a show-and-tell. We are trying to create opportunity for her to speak with whatever resources you have at home now.
Father: Before, she had LEGO blocks. Before Sleep Therapy, she just lined up the blocks. Now, she makes something with the blocks. Maybe tower. Sometimes, she tried to make ships. She was trying to make a shape.
Consultant: Do you have the themed ones, like police car, fire engine or even kitchen set for LEGO.
Father: Yes, she likes kitchen set.
Consultant: You may want to extend the collection so that she can build on her creativity, and even come out with a show-and-tell. We are trying to create opportunity for her to speak with whatever resources you have at home now.
"Attention span is longer than before. Easy to engage her."
"Putting things in her mouth, spinning, inappropriate laughing fits in the past."
- Still putting things into mouth like colour pencils, water colour and toys since 2yo
- Stimming actions (spinning) sometimes tilting of the head
- Seldom responded to us and inappropriate laughing fits
- Followed some instructions such as throw rubbish, take off shoes, sit etc
"No more putting things in her mouth."
Consultant: Does she still put things in her mouth?
Father and Mother: No, no more.
Wow, that is great! Muscles are well established. No more itchy gums. Holding pencils the right way, instead of eating.
Father and Mother: No, no more.
Wow, that is great! Muscles are well established. No more itchy gums. Holding pencils the right way, instead of eating.
"No more tiptoeing."
Consultant: How about tiptoeing?Father: No more tiptoeing. I got the latest video. When she was walking, she was scrubbing her feet, feeling the floor. Before she did not like it, so she was tiptoeing. But now, she is scrubbing the feet on the floor, like sliding her feet.
Consultant: Was it good or bad?
Father: Good. I think she is trying to feel the floor.
Consultant: Ok. In the past?
Father: In the past, nothing like that and she was tiptoeing a lot. But now, no more tiptoeing.
Consultant: Was it good or bad?
Father: Good. I think she is trying to feel the floor.
Consultant: Ok. In the past?
Father: In the past, nothing like that and she was tiptoeing a lot. But now, no more tiptoeing.
"If she notices we take a video of her, she will stop and just smiling."
Father: If she notices we take a video of her, she will stop and just smiling.
Consultant: It is a good awareness of the environment.
Father: We notice also if she has done something, like singing 123 or abc, then we try to follow her and focus on her, she will stop. She will never do it. If we run away, she will do it again.
Consultant: She is mindful of her behaviour. That is good. This is self-consciousness.
Consultant: It is a good awareness of the environment.
Father: We notice also if she has done something, like singing 123 or abc, then we try to follow her and focus on her, she will stop. She will never do it. If we run away, she will do it again.
Consultant: She is mindful of her behaviour. That is good. This is self-consciousness.
"After 5 or 7 spins, then she will be dizzy."
Consultant: How about her spinning?
Father: Spinning still.
Consultant: One direction? How many rounds?
Father: One direction, or two, another direction. She can do both already.
Consultant: At least, it is both direction. It is balanced. This is a good progress. Are there more rounds? It used to be 7-8 times. The record was 19 times, right?
Father: Ya. Before Sleep Therapy, she did not have any dizziness. But now, after 5 or 7 spins, then she will be dizzy.
Consultant: That is more normal. That will tell her to stop. It is a regulation important in response to such a movement that is very drastic. As she is spinning, the liquid would be moving very quickly. The dizziness is causing her to stop the action that will make her discomfort more. This is normal.
Father: Spinning still.
Consultant: One direction? How many rounds?
Father: One direction, or two, another direction. She can do both already.
Consultant: At least, it is both direction. It is balanced. This is a good progress. Are there more rounds? It used to be 7-8 times. The record was 19 times, right?
Father: Ya. Before Sleep Therapy, she did not have any dizziness. But now, after 5 or 7 spins, then she will be dizzy.
Consultant: That is more normal. That will tell her to stop. It is a regulation important in response to such a movement that is very drastic. As she is spinning, the liquid would be moving very quickly. The dizziness is causing her to stop the action that will make her discomfort more. This is normal.
"No more inappropriate laughing fits."
Consultant: How about laughing fits? She used to laugh a lot.
Father: No more inappropriate. Less than before. Still there.
Consultant: Was it laughing with a reason? Or no reason like before?
Father: Before Sleep Therapy, there was no reason - she was just laughing.
But now, sometimes after her spinning, then she would laugh because of the sensation I think. Yes, and after running around, she would laugh also.
Consultant: That was more of joy. Would you say that?
Father: Yes, more joy.
Father: No more inappropriate. Less than before. Still there.
Consultant: Was it laughing with a reason? Or no reason like before?
Father: Before Sleep Therapy, there was no reason - she was just laughing.
But now, sometimes after her spinning, then she would laugh because of the sensation I think. Yes, and after running around, she would laugh also.
Consultant: That was more of joy. Would you say that?
Father: Yes, more joy.
"There is more instruction she can follow. Much more than before. A lot better than before."
Consultant: How is her following instructions ability now?
Father: More than before. Throw rubbish, take off shoes, sit. But now, there is a lot more.
Before, maybe only expected - throw rubbish, take off shoes, sit. But now, there is more instruction she can follow. Like wait, sit, sleep first, many many, many than before. A lot better than before.
Consultant: This part you need to extend. Instead of giving her instruction that is action-oriented, give her a variety. Instead of saying ‘sit’, sit where? Sit on the couch. Sit on the pillow behind you. Introduce words of this sort.
Father: That’s what we do. Like ‘go to mummy’s room first. Sit on the green chair.
Consultant: That is right. Give her clear instructions to prove that she understands. Instead of the obvious ‘yes’/‘no’, do or don’t do. Good teaching. You are teachers in the first place.
Father: More than before. Throw rubbish, take off shoes, sit. But now, there is a lot more.
Before, maybe only expected - throw rubbish, take off shoes, sit. But now, there is more instruction she can follow. Like wait, sit, sleep first, many many, many than before. A lot better than before.
Consultant: This part you need to extend. Instead of giving her instruction that is action-oriented, give her a variety. Instead of saying ‘sit’, sit where? Sit on the couch. Sit on the pillow behind you. Introduce words of this sort.
Father: That’s what we do. Like ‘go to mummy’s room first. Sit on the green chair.
Consultant: That is right. Give her clear instructions to prove that she understands. Instead of the obvious ‘yes’/‘no’, do or don’t do. Good teaching. You are teachers in the first place.
"Now, she even takes her brother’s hand, and plays around with him."
Consultant: There was an episode of her playing Run and Catch. I saw that she was laughing with the brothers.
Father: Police and Thief. Her brother asked her to catch him.
Consultant: Where did she get the instruction?
Father: From the brother.
Consultant: She was able to follow the instruction?
Father: Yes, I think so.
Consultant: How was she different from the way she used to be?
Father: She would not care, if the brother tried to play with her in the past. But now, she even takes her brother’s hand, and plays around with him.
Consultant: So she takes her initiative to engage her brother into her world of playing. Does she follow rules now?
Father: A lot better than before.
Father: Police and Thief. Her brother asked her to catch him.
Consultant: Where did she get the instruction?
Father: From the brother.
Consultant: She was able to follow the instruction?
Father: Yes, I think so.
Consultant: How was she different from the way she used to be?
Father: She would not care, if the brother tried to play with her in the past. But now, she even takes her brother’s hand, and plays around with him.
Consultant: So she takes her initiative to engage her brother into her world of playing. Does she follow rules now?
Father: A lot better than before.
"If she wants to play London Bridge, she will initiate."
Father: She knows how to play ring o ring a roses with her brothers now. London Bridge.
Consultant: It was introduced? Or she initiated?
Father It was introduced. After she knows, if she wants, she will initiate.
Consultant: In the past, was she able to play this game.
Father: No, she would just see us playing with her brothers.
Consultant: Now?
Father: Now, she will follow. Or she will initiate it.
Consultant: How does she tell you that she wants to play that game?
Father: She will bring two hands of her two brothers, to join hands.
Consultant: That reminds of one video where she was interacting with her brother, while she was eating biscuit. Brother was trying to feed her and she took it. More of such brotherly and sisterly bonding lately?
Father: Yes.
Consultant: It was introduced? Or she initiated?
Father It was introduced. After she knows, if she wants, she will initiate.
Consultant: In the past, was she able to play this game.
Father: No, she would just see us playing with her brothers.
Consultant: Now?
Father: Now, she will follow. Or she will initiate it.
Consultant: How does she tell you that she wants to play that game?
Father: She will bring two hands of her two brothers, to join hands.
Consultant: That reminds of one video where she was interacting with her brother, while she was eating biscuit. Brother was trying to feed her and she took it. More of such brotherly and sisterly bonding lately?
Father: Yes.
"She is trying to communicate with us by making sounds."
Consultant: How is she different now?
Father: She does not hold our hands anymore. She just tries to take what she wants. If she cannot take it, she will point it, trying to communicate with us by making sounds.
- When she wanted something she will hold our hand sometimes using hand gestures.
- Did not speak much functional words.
Consultant: How is she different now?
Father: She does not hold our hands anymore. She just tries to take what she wants. If she cannot take it, she will point it, trying to communicate with us by making sounds.
"If the activity requires singing, then she tries to imitate the sound. "
Consultant: How about play with her brothers? Does she show more initiative to make sounds during play?
Father: If the activity requires singing, then she tries to imitate the sound. Like singing Happy Birthday.
Consultant: That is sweet. We need to give her more birthdays to practise the Birthday song. Any day can be a birthday. Just need to blow a candle.
Father: If the activity requires singing, then she tries to imitate the sound. Like singing Happy Birthday.
Consultant: That is sweet. We need to give her more birthdays to practise the Birthday song. Any day can be a birthday. Just need to blow a candle.
Father: With the youngest one calling Umme (mother), she followed. First time. That’s why we were shocked. In the past, she was not capable of that.
Consultant: In the past, how did she get your attention?
Mother: Grabbing us, or crying.
Consultant: Lately, how does she get your attention?
Father: No crying. She will wait patiently.
But the calling of Ume only happened for a few times. When the youngest is calling Uume, then she will follow.
Consultant: In the past, how did she get your attention?
Mother: Grabbing us, or crying.
Consultant: Lately, how does she get your attention?
Father: No crying. She will wait patiently.
But the calling of Ume only happened for a few times. When the youngest is calling Uume, then she will follow.
"No more grabbing or crying. First time she called mother."
"She can say A bit clearer than before. "
Consultant: In the past, you said she could say ‘yes’ in your language, but she has no ability to know that it is a yes or a no.
Awo (yes), Indat (no)… Aya (father) Instead of Ume, she would say ‘woo’ only. Were there more extension lately? Is her pronunciation clearer?
Father: A bit clearer than before. Like Aya (Father), it is clearer. If she doesn’t want, she can pronounce clearly the word indat (no. in our language).
Consultant: So she is able to express herself.
Awo (yes), Indat (no)… Aya (father) Instead of Ume, she would say ‘woo’ only. Were there more extension lately? Is her pronunciation clearer?
Father: A bit clearer than before. Like Aya (Father), it is clearer. If she doesn’t want, she can pronounce clearly the word indat (no. in our language).
Consultant: So she is able to express herself.
"If there is a picture of a tiger, she will say ‘grrr’, and roar."
Consultant: Any new words heard lately?
Father: There are a few words, but it has happened only a few times.
Consultant: Like what words? Just now she said ‘owl’, when I showed her one.
Father: Yes, Lion, Tiger, Fan.
Consultant: Was it in context to what she wanted to express?
Father: Yes, in context. If there is a picture of a tiger, sometimes, she will say ‘grrr’, and roar (gesture).
Consultant: Where do you think she got that from?
Father: She has books that we bought for her. We taught her everything.
Consultant: So she has been absorbing.
Father: Yes, like when she sees a police car, she will say ‘too too’.
Consultant: That is interesting. That is potential for role-play. Do you have storytelling time with her?
Father: Sometimes, but yes we rare.
Consultant: Try to increase that more, so that she knows how to relate to the story.
Father: There are a few words, but it has happened only a few times.
Consultant: Like what words? Just now she said ‘owl’, when I showed her one.
Father: Yes, Lion, Tiger, Fan.
Consultant: Was it in context to what she wanted to express?
Father: Yes, in context. If there is a picture of a tiger, sometimes, she will say ‘grrr’, and roar (gesture).
Consultant: Where do you think she got that from?
Father: She has books that we bought for her. We taught her everything.
Consultant: So she has been absorbing.
Father: Yes, like when she sees a police car, she will say ‘too too’.
Consultant: That is interesting. That is potential for role-play. Do you have storytelling time with her?
Father: Sometimes, but yes we rare.
Consultant: Try to increase that more, so that she knows how to relate to the story.
"More words in the toilet."
Father: She can say ‘Brush’, ‘Clean’, ‘Teeth’, ‘Help’. More words in the toilet.
Consultant: We need to build up her vocabulary. Give her more exposure not just in the toilet but playground as well.
Consultant: We need to build up her vocabulary. Give her more exposure not just in the toilet but playground as well.
"AEIOU - she can make the vowel sounds correctly."
Consultant: How about the vowels, AEIOU?
Father: That one has gotten better than before. AEIOU - she can make the vowel sounds correctly.
Consultant: Her ears nose throat has cleared up quite a lot. Now you need to give her more chances to practise and apply.
Father: That one has gotten better than before. AEIOU - she can make the vowel sounds correctly.
Consultant: Her ears nose throat has cleared up quite a lot. Now you need to give her more chances to practise and apply.
"Video captured of her looking into the mirror, and doodling."
Consultant: Never before she has played like that. Now that she has heightened in her sensation. She knows her self-identity.
This is something to be included in her coming Accelerated Learning - to bring her confidence up in managing grooming, and her self-management like taking showers, brushing teeth, choosing clothes. Many children from ALP learnt to become so independent that parents are hands-free, even with domestic helper.
Your sharing of video of her drawing and doodling on the wall. It will be a very fond memories for her to look at in years to come. This is This is a milestone. It is interesting that you have captured that.
This is something to be included in her coming Accelerated Learning - to bring her confidence up in managing grooming, and her self-management like taking showers, brushing teeth, choosing clothes. Many children from ALP learnt to become so independent that parents are hands-free, even with domestic helper.
Your sharing of video of her drawing and doodling on the wall. It will be a very fond memories for her to look at in years to come. This is This is a milestone. It is interesting that you have captured that.
"As she was writing, she was pronouncing the sounds of the letters."
Father: She just took a marker, and suddenly went to the wall and wrote ABCEF.
As she was writing, she was pronouncing the sounds of the letters. Not quite clear, just sounds - A, Be, ke
We did not stop her. We just let her write.
Consultant: It is an adventure for her on a ‘big piece of paper’. Keep that going!
As she was writing, she was pronouncing the sounds of the letters. Not quite clear, just sounds - A, Be, ke
We did not stop her. We just let her write.
Consultant: It is an adventure for her on a ‘big piece of paper’. Keep that going!
"I just tried to have a conversation with her. I did not expect her response to be so long."
Consultant: Mother reported that you had a long conversation with her.
Mother: I just tried to have a conversation with her. I did not expect her response to be so long.
Just making a sound after mother talked. She made a response and waited for mother to continue talking, while smiling. Just talking about herself.
Consultant: Keep it up. Her cognition is maturing. She will need engagement. You need to acknowledge that she is expressing to you, so that she will feel motivated and she will want to tell you even more. But language has to come in. Otherwise she may have constraints on how she can express herself clearly.
Mother: I just tried to have a conversation with her. I did not expect her response to be so long.
Just making a sound after mother talked. She made a response and waited for mother to continue talking, while smiling. Just talking about herself.
Consultant: Keep it up. Her cognition is maturing. She will need engagement. You need to acknowledge that she is expressing to you, so that she will feel motivated and she will want to tell you even more. But language has to come in. Otherwise she may have constraints on how she can express herself clearly.
"Now, she can follow the dots correctly."
Consultant: Is she holding on to pencils?
Father: She is holding colour pencils.
Consultant: In the past, was she able to write?
Father: Not quite normal with the way she was holding it - pencil or pen. In the past, she could not follow the dots. But now, she can follow the dots correctly.
Consultant: Her vision distortion has been corrected. Get her to do animal-related books to do the dotting and even colouring. Because you want her to colour within the figure.
Father: She is holding colour pencils.
Consultant: In the past, was she able to write?
Father: Not quite normal with the way she was holding it - pencil or pen. In the past, she could not follow the dots. But now, she can follow the dots correctly.
Consultant: Her vision distortion has been corrected. Get her to do animal-related books to do the dotting and even colouring. Because you want her to colour within the figure.
"She can blow a candle now, and likes to blow bubbles from soap water."
Consultant: Can she blow candle now?
Father: Yes. Before no. She would touch the fire. But now, she knows the candle is meant to be blown.
Consultant: So she can blow now. Give her something to show the power to blow. Being able to blow is telling of this part clearance and muscle control is excellent. Give her an instrument to blow and make music. Get her a simple instrument like a recorder.
Father: She likes to blow bubbles from soap water. In the past, she will eat or drink the bubbles.
Consultant: Now she knows that this is for blowing fun!
Father: Yes. Before no. She would touch the fire. But now, she knows the candle is meant to be blown.
Consultant: So she can blow now. Give her something to show the power to blow. Being able to blow is telling of this part clearance and muscle control is excellent. Give her an instrument to blow and make music. Get her a simple instrument like a recorder.
Father: She likes to blow bubbles from soap water. In the past, she will eat or drink the bubbles.
Consultant: Now she knows that this is for blowing fun!
"Not even the smallest regret."
Consultant: Do you have any regrets over koo energy Sleep Therapy.
Father: No regrets. Not even the smallest regret.
Consultant: At that time when you were considering to proceed with koo energy Sleep Therapy, there were lots of doubts. And the questions you were asking were quite disturbing. Did you manage to overcome their hesitations?
Father: Yes.
Consultant: Do you know how to move forward from here?
Father: Yes.
Consultant: Confident?
Father: Confirmed confidence.
Consultant: Now that you have achieved so much in three months, I can expect a lot more in three years. Sleep Therapy is something of regular maintenance. We have taken care of the significant discharge for the first three months in terms of toxicity. In coming months and years, what we need to do is to maintain. Just like a car, you need maintenance. Be mindful of what we expose our children to. Always question what they are given by us - diet, water and even teaching.
Father: No regrets. Not even the smallest regret.
Consultant: At that time when you were considering to proceed with koo energy Sleep Therapy, there were lots of doubts. And the questions you were asking were quite disturbing. Did you manage to overcome their hesitations?
Father: Yes.
Consultant: Do you know how to move forward from here?
Father: Yes.
Consultant: Confident?
Father: Confirmed confidence.
Consultant: Now that you have achieved so much in three months, I can expect a lot more in three years. Sleep Therapy is something of regular maintenance. We have taken care of the significant discharge for the first three months in terms of toxicity. In coming months and years, what we need to do is to maintain. Just like a car, you need maintenance. Be mindful of what we expose our children to. Always question what they are given by us - diet, water and even teaching.
"Now, she has a lot more sound. She can call mother, 1234, improved sound, words with meaning."
Consultant: 3 months we met up on26 July, I asked you what are your expectations for Sleep Therapy, you said "We hope our girl will improve in many aspects, especially speech, communication and sleep." What have you experienced so far, in terms of these aspects?
Mother: For her speech, there is improvement. Before, there was mostly no sound. She did not have meaningful words. Now, she has a lot more sound. She can say Ume (mother), 1234, improved sound, words with meaning.
Consultant: Letters of alphabet?
Mother: Yes. Alphabet.
Consultant: You have achieved your objectives. There is a lot of work to do to reteach her in the coming months.
Mother: Yes.
Consultant: How about Sleep-wise, do you think she has progressed?
Mother: Yes she has improved. She is sleeping through the night now.
Consultant: And I mentioned at that time, urgently, the most important aspect besides her sleep, was actually her constipation. Has this been resolved?
Mother: For now, yes.
Consultant: We need to keep it up!
Mother: For her speech, there is improvement. Before, there was mostly no sound. She did not have meaningful words. Now, she has a lot more sound. She can say Ume (mother), 1234, improved sound, words with meaning.
Consultant: Letters of alphabet?
Mother: Yes. Alphabet.
Consultant: You have achieved your objectives. There is a lot of work to do to reteach her in the coming months.
Mother: Yes.
Consultant: How about Sleep-wise, do you think she has progressed?
Mother: Yes she has improved. She is sleeping through the night now.
Consultant: And I mentioned at that time, urgently, the most important aspect besides her sleep, was actually her constipation. Has this been resolved?
Mother: For now, yes.
Consultant: We need to keep it up!
"Frequent Asthma Attacks, Regular Nosebleeding, Snoring... before Sleep Therapy."
1. Asthma
2. Recent lung infection
3. Snoring
4. Nosebleeding
5. Hair Thinning
6. Gout in right knee
1. Asthma
2. Recent lung infection
3. Snoring
4. Nosebleeding
5. Hair Thinning
6. Gout in right knee
"No more asthma. No more attack."
Consultant: How about father's asthma? Any improvement?
Father: No more asthma. No more attack.
Before Sleep Therapy, I got attack every 2 weeks.
When the attack came, I found it hard to breathe and needed to use Sabutamol or Ventolin.
Father: It has been three months without attack. The last I got asthma happened before Sleep Therapy.
Consultant: This is great improvement. Thanks to constant nosebleeding.
It came more often. Used to be 2-3 times a month. It became more intense than before in the 2-3 weeks after starting Sleep Therapy. It happened almost everyday.
It was flowing for 2-3 minutes as I was setting up the Healing Mat.
Father: No more asthma. No more attack.
Before Sleep Therapy, I got attack every 2 weeks.
When the attack came, I found it hard to breathe and needed to use Sabutamol or Ventolin.
Father: It has been three months without attack. The last I got asthma happened before Sleep Therapy.
Consultant: This is great improvement. Thanks to constant nosebleeding.
It came more often. Used to be 2-3 times a month. It became more intense than before in the 2-3 weeks after starting Sleep Therapy. It happened almost everyday.
It was flowing for 2-3 minutes as I was setting up the Healing Mat.
"No more nosebleeds."
Consultant: Are you still having nosebleed?
Father: Right now, no.
Consultant: But frequently?
Father: Still no. There is no nosebleed.
Consultant: Last time, you used to have nosebleed quite often, once a week or a month?
Father: Used to be once a week. But now, hardly.
Consultant: Excellent! This is the bonus you got from Sleep Therapy. Toxins will get flushed out consistently, if you do not have the chance to flush out efficiently. But once you have finished purging. Then you will have total stop to this nose bleeding.
Father: Right now, no.
Consultant: But frequently?
Father: Still no. There is no nosebleed.
Consultant: Last time, you used to have nosebleed quite often, once a week or a month?
Father: Used to be once a week. But now, hardly.
Consultant: Excellent! This is the bonus you got from Sleep Therapy. Toxins will get flushed out consistently, if you do not have the chance to flush out efficiently. But once you have finished purging. Then you will have total stop to this nose bleeding.
"No more snoring."
Consultant: How about your snoring lately? Any improvement?
Father: My wife told me my snoring is less than before. My kids are also sleeping with me, and got no problem with me. Now, I am not snoring.
Father: My wife told me my snoring is less than before. My kids are also sleeping with me, and got no problem with me. Now, I am not snoring.
"Lighter dark circles under the eyes. More energised and less frustration now."
Consultant: Daddy used to have dark circles under the eyes. Any improvement?
Father: Still have but less than before. Lighter than before.
Consultant: Daddy used to have fatigue. Do you fee more energised or more tired?
More energised than before. Less frustration now.
Father: Still have but less than before. Lighter than before.
Consultant: Daddy used to have fatigue. Do you fee more energised or more tired?
More energised than before. Less frustration now.
"Less thirst, less angry, easier to handle the boys."
Consultant: Father used to have very frequent thirst. Is it improving lately?
Father: Improving.
Consultant: On the side of emotion, you used to write 'angry. Do you notice any changes?
Father: Yes, less angry.
Consultant: Emotional more stable. Partly because children are in happy moods.
Consultant: Are there more or less fights among the boys these days?
Father: More fights, but easy to handle. I think the anger issue before came because we got upset over how to handle the daughter. So even when the brother made one small mistake, I easily got angry. Easily triggered in the past.
Consultant: With one less trouble, we have more things to occupy ourselves and can fill up with happiness.
Father: Improving.
Consultant: On the side of emotion, you used to write 'angry. Do you notice any changes?
Father: Yes, less angry.
Consultant: Emotional more stable. Partly because children are in happy moods.
Consultant: Are there more or less fights among the boys these days?
Father: More fights, but easy to handle. I think the anger issue before came because we got upset over how to handle the daughter. So even when the brother made one small mistake, I easily got angry. Easily triggered in the past.
Consultant: With one less trouble, we have more things to occupy ourselves and can fill up with happiness.
"No more dry and rough skin on the feet. Smooth Skin now."
Consultant: Cracking of the feet?
Father: Still cracking. Before Sleep Therapy, it was dry and it was peeling and it was rough.
Now still cracking. But it is not dry nor rough. It is smooth foot.
Father: Still cracking. Before Sleep Therapy, it was dry and it was peeling and it was rough.
Now still cracking. But it is not dry nor rough. It is smooth foot.
"I do not have any more knee pain."
Consultant: You used to have right knee pain?
Father: Now you mentioned it, I do not have any more knee pain.
Consultant: Excellent! Pain-free. Even if you eat some food that you seemed to be allergic to?
Father: Yes.
Consultant: What was your food allergy?
Father: prawn. Last 2 days, I ate prawns and I did not notice any pain. No more medication for the gout issues like the past.
Father: Now you mentioned it, I do not have any more knee pain.
Consultant: Excellent! Pain-free. Even if you eat some food that you seemed to be allergic to?
Father: Yes.
Consultant: What was your food allergy?
Father: prawn. Last 2 days, I ate prawns and I did not notice any pain. No more medication for the gout issues like the past.
"Stable weight right now. Perspire easily."
Father: Stable weight right now.
Consultant: If you wish to work on your weight, do koo energy Sandwich to allows perspiration.
Father: I do not like to perspire. I perspire easily.
Consultant: Koo Energy Sandwich allows discharge of toxins through perspiration.
Consultant: If you wish to work on your weight, do koo energy Sandwich to allows perspiration.
Father: I do not like to perspire. I perspire easily.
Consultant: Koo Energy Sandwich allows discharge of toxins through perspiration.
"Less blood clots. No Cramps."
Consultant: Mother used to have menstrual period of 1 week and blood clots. Were there more or less during koo energy Sleep Therapy?
Mother: Less blood clots. No Cramps. Duration is stable. Normal now.
Consultant: Was it regular in the past?
Mother: Regular but now it comes earlier by a week. It is a good sign. Before Sleep Therapy, it was always late. Much menstrual cramps. But now no more cramps.
Mother: Less blood clots. No Cramps. Duration is stable. Normal now.
Consultant: Was it regular in the past?
Mother: Regular but now it comes earlier by a week. It is a good sign. Before Sleep Therapy, it was always late. Much menstrual cramps. But now no more cramps.
"Less migraine."
Consultant: You used to have migraine on the left side. How about now?
Mother: Before, the migraine happened very frequently, like two times a a week. This time only once a month.
Mother: Before, the migraine happened very frequently, like two times a a week. This time only once a month.
"Emotional sensitivities are less than before."
Father: Emotional sensitivities are less than before. Before, if she got stress, she would cry directly. If she looked at her daughter who was having problem with speech and communication, she would cry. She would be sad. But now, good, better than before.
Consultant: Is she seeing more hopes?
Father: Yes.
Consultant: And she is seeing more improvement in her girl, which gives her confidence?
Father: Yes.
Consultant: This is what we wish to achieve for all parents of children on board koo energy Sleep Therapy.
So she is not feeling loneliness like she used to put (on health checklist) she had sense of loneliness.
Consultant: Is she seeing more hopes?
Father: Yes.
Consultant: And she is seeing more improvement in her girl, which gives her confidence?
Father: Yes.
Consultant: This is what we wish to achieve for all parents of children on board koo energy Sleep Therapy.
So she is not feeling loneliness like she used to put (on health checklist) she had sense of loneliness.
"No more stiff shoulders."
Consultant: Mother's reading on health check, it was indicated with stiff shoulders.
Father: No more stiff shoulders.
Consultant: Shortly after sleep Therapy, or recently?
Father: Recently.
Consultant: Was it more serious after Sleep Therapy?
Father: Around 3 weeks after using Sleep Therapy, she complained of should ache, and we needed to massage her.
Consultant: Good way to show love. Any more backaches?
Father: Right now, she has backaches because she is spending more time in front of laptop to do work.
Before she sat in front of laptop, she was fine.
Consultant: Tell her to sit on Healing Mat. You can turn it on of off. That will help out with her blood flow, even though she is not moving. Anyway, you may want make use of Healing Mat, besides night use.
Father: No more stiff shoulders.
Consultant: Shortly after sleep Therapy, or recently?
Father: Recently.
Consultant: Was it more serious after Sleep Therapy?
Father: Around 3 weeks after using Sleep Therapy, she complained of should ache, and we needed to massage her.
Consultant: Good way to show love. Any more backaches?
Father: Right now, she has backaches because she is spending more time in front of laptop to do work.
Before she sat in front of laptop, she was fine.
Consultant: Tell her to sit on Healing Mat. You can turn it on of off. That will help out with her blood flow, even though she is not moving. Anyway, you may want make use of Healing Mat, besides night use.
"I realised the 5yo does not have running nose anymore."
Consultant: How about his running nose for 5yo?
Father: After you ask how he is? Then I realised he does not have running nose anymore.
Consultant: Excellent. He used to rub his nose a lot?
Father: Ya.
Consultant: He used to be sneezing and sensitive to dust. Now, any more allergy?
Father: The allergy still not known. There is no running nose any more.
Consultant: This is the mucus in response to the environment. Partly because it never ended with complete flushing. Now that it has been handed, he will not have this running nose to go after. Great.
Father: After you ask how he is? Then I realised he does not have running nose anymore.
Consultant: Excellent. He used to rub his nose a lot?
Father: Ya.
Consultant: He used to be sneezing and sensitive to dust. Now, any more allergy?
Father: The allergy still not known. There is no running nose any more.
Consultant: This is the mucus in response to the environment. Partly because it never ended with complete flushing. Now that it has been handed, he will not have this running nose to go after. Great.
"The 5yo finds it easier to catch up right now. "
Consultant: Other than physical issues being resolved like nose bleeding for your 7yo, and running nose for your 5yo son, do you notice any changes in the way they learn or study?
Father: The 5yo finds it easier to catch up right now. If we or teachers teach in the video, he can easily catch up and read alone.
Consultant: That is good concentration.
Father: The 5yo finds it easier to catch up right now. If we or teachers teach in the video, he can easily catch up and read alone.
Consultant: That is good concentration.
"Maybe a month already. There is no more nosebleed."
Father: My son also. The older one. It has been many days that he did not have nosebleed.
Consultant: Your 7yo son used to have nose bleeds, like daddy. Always from the right nose. During the koo energy Sleep Therapy, was there more nose bleeding?
Father: Only in the early weeks of Sleep Therapy.
Consultant: Did it come out from the right nose and left nose?
Father: Right nose. But there was a moment from the left nose. We were quite shocked because it never happened from the left nose. It happened only twice.
Consultant: After that, were there any episodes of nosebleeding?
Father: No. Maybe a month already. There is no more nosebleed.
Consultant: That is fast. You mentioned that whether the weather was hot or cold, he would have nose bleeding.
Father: Yes. And he kept sleeping with me and his sister.
Consultant: Very clever boy, calling for healing.
Consultant: Your 7yo son used to have nose bleeds, like daddy. Always from the right nose. During the koo energy Sleep Therapy, was there more nose bleeding?
Father: Only in the early weeks of Sleep Therapy.
Consultant: Did it come out from the right nose and left nose?
Father: Right nose. But there was a moment from the left nose. We were quite shocked because it never happened from the left nose. It happened only twice.
Consultant: After that, were there any episodes of nosebleeding?
Father: No. Maybe a month already. There is no more nosebleed.
Consultant: That is fast. You mentioned that whether the weather was hot or cold, he would have nose bleeding.
Father: Yes. And he kept sleeping with me and his sister.
Consultant: Very clever boy, calling for healing.
"We just realised that he does not have cracked lips any more."
Consultant: He used to have lips that were very dry and also cracking before Sleep Therapy.
Father: Right now, after you said, we just realised that he does not have cracked lips any more.
Consultant: It was written here: He used to have nosebleeds at night mostly. 1-2 minutes of nosebleeding. So nosebleeding has completed. Totally stopped?
Father: For now, totally stopped.
Consultant: Keep it up!
Father: Right now, after you said, we just realised that he does not have cracked lips any more.
Consultant: It was written here: He used to have nosebleeds at night mostly. 1-2 minutes of nosebleeding. So nosebleeding has completed. Totally stopped?
Father: For now, totally stopped.
Consultant: Keep it up!
"No more knee pain."
Consultant: For his leg muscles, he used to have knee pain at night. He would ask Mummy to massage for him or kick to tell parents. Does it still happen?Father: No.
Consultant: Excellent. No more bothering with mother. No more pain?
Father: Yes.
Consultant: Ok this is very good.
Consultant: Excellent. No more bothering with mother. No more pain?
Father: Yes.
Consultant: Ok this is very good.