Child Case Study 16A
ADHD, Auditory Issues, Concentration Issues, Dyslexia, Sensory Issues, Sleep Issues.
"Last time, I always felt very sad. Now, I feel very happy. I am able to focus better in school. I would not wake up in the middle of the night like last time. I sleep well throughout the night, over the past 3 months of Sleep Therapy.” ~ Student J
"Last time, I always felt very sad. Now, I feel very happy. I am able to focus better in school. I would not wake up in the middle of the night like last time. I sleep well throughout the night, over the past 3 months of Sleep Therapy.” ~ Student J
Background Info
16yo Boy J (Singapore)
Medical history: ADHD, Auditory Issues, Concentration Issues, Dyslexia, Sensory Issues, Sleep Issues.
Diagnosed with ADHD at 13 years old. On ADHD medication for 2 years. Experienced Visual and Auditory Dyslexia.
Teenager started using koo energy Sleep Therapy.
Medical history: ADHD, Auditory Issues, Concentration Issues, Dyslexia, Sensory Issues, Sleep Issues.
Diagnosed with ADHD at 13 years old. On ADHD medication for 2 years. Experienced Visual and Auditory Dyslexia.
Teenager started using koo energy Sleep Therapy.
"Trying to address ADHD. Took medication. Did not help.
Cannot stay focus in study. Favourite subject is Design and Technology. Problem with Math.
Get angry very easily, by what people say. Angry and violent.
Get tired easily. Wrist will feel painful after badminton. Exercise everyday after school.
Not eating healthily - fast food most of the time. Don't feel good after eating fast food.
Sleeping habit - sleep late if no school. Not energetic after waking up. Wake in the middle of the night to go toilet, once or twice.
Woke up by mum. Cannot wake up easily. Lay on the bed 5 -10 mins then wake up.
Toilet twice a day."
Watch the interview with the teenager before using koo energy Sleep Therapy:
Cannot stay focus in study. Favourite subject is Design and Technology. Problem with Math.
Get angry very easily, by what people say. Angry and violent.
Get tired easily. Wrist will feel painful after badminton. Exercise everyday after school.
Not eating healthily - fast food most of the time. Don't feel good after eating fast food.
Sleeping habit - sleep late if no school. Not energetic after waking up. Wake in the middle of the night to go toilet, once or twice.
Woke up by mum. Cannot wake up easily. Lay on the bed 5 -10 mins then wake up.
Toilet twice a day."
Watch the interview with the teenager before using koo energy Sleep Therapy:
Cannot stay focus - Angry and violent easily - Tired easily.
After 1 Week
After just 1 week of use, he shared with us his experience.
"After just 1 night of sleep, my neck no pain already after using the koo energy Pillow.
First night, turn on 1 hour to test the heat. I slept for 1 hour. After that, I went to a camp. No heat since I came back."
After just 1 week of use, he shared with us his experience.
"After just 1 night of sleep, my neck no pain already after using the koo energy Pillow.
First night, turn on 1 hour to test the heat. I slept for 1 hour. After that, I went to a camp. No heat since I came back."
No more neck pain since the first night.
After 3 Months
After 3 months of koo energy Sleep Therapy, the teenager shared with us the improvement in all aspects of life.
"Now, I won't feel hungry after eating. In the past, I would feel hungry very fast even after eating. I had to buy more food."
"Last time, I always felt very sad. Now, I feel very happy."
"I am able to focus better in school."
"In the past, I always felt tired and fell asleep in class. Now, I still fall asleep a bit, but not a lot."
Waking up
"Now I wake up in the morning, and do not need parents to shout at me. Last time, I would feel very tired and tell myself to procrastinate - sleep for 5 more minutes. Now I feel like I need to wake up and go to school, I would just wake up easily."
"I sleep well throughout the night. I would not wake up in the middle of the night, like last time.
Now I put my phone aside when I go to sleep. Last time, I used my phone a Iot and would fall asleep with the phone next to me."
"Last time, I could not hear properly. Now I can hear the music properly."
"In the face and on my hand. A lot of pimples on my face. My hands also. Now less pimples. Comes in waves. Now very little. A lot on the chest too. Lasted for 1 month. Cough lasted for 2 weeks."
Pain in the neck
"Last time, I had pain in the back. But when I use this (Sleep Therapy), I don't feel any pain in the neck now."
Night sweats
"No changes. Still in the process of detox."
After 3 months of koo energy Sleep Therapy, the teenager shared with us the improvement in all aspects of life.
"Now, I won't feel hungry after eating. In the past, I would feel hungry very fast even after eating. I had to buy more food."
"Last time, I always felt very sad. Now, I feel very happy."
"I am able to focus better in school."
"In the past, I always felt tired and fell asleep in class. Now, I still fall asleep a bit, but not a lot."
Waking up
"Now I wake up in the morning, and do not need parents to shout at me. Last time, I would feel very tired and tell myself to procrastinate - sleep for 5 more minutes. Now I feel like I need to wake up and go to school, I would just wake up easily."
"I sleep well throughout the night. I would not wake up in the middle of the night, like last time.
Now I put my phone aside when I go to sleep. Last time, I used my phone a Iot and would fall asleep with the phone next to me."
"Last time, I could not hear properly. Now I can hear the music properly."
"In the face and on my hand. A lot of pimples on my face. My hands also. Now less pimples. Comes in waves. Now very little. A lot on the chest too. Lasted for 1 month. Cough lasted for 2 weeks."
Pain in the neck
"Last time, I had pain in the back. But when I use this (Sleep Therapy), I don't feel any pain in the neck now."
Night sweats
"No changes. Still in the process of detox."
Very happy - Not easily frustrated - Focus better - Sleep throughout - Hear better.
Younger Sister's Improvement
14 yo Girl (Singapore)
Medical history: Late sleeper
"After 2 weeks of using koo energy Sandwich in the day, 14yo Sister started to sleep at 10am, waking up feeling more refreshed."
Find out from the mother what change her daughter experienced over just two weeks of use.
Medical history: Late sleeper
"After 2 weeks of using koo energy Sandwich in the day, 14yo Sister started to sleep at 10am, waking up feeling more refreshed."
Find out from the mother what change her daughter experienced over just two weeks of use.
Improved sleep pattern.
Mother's Improvement
Mdm J (Singapore)
Medical history: Tinnitus (ringing of the ear)
As a Secondary User, she started using the koo energy Sandwich in the day on 28.6.19, after which she noticed that the faeces were blackish. She stopped for a while.
Recently, she resumed koo energy Socks in the night and the day, plus koo energy Sandwich. She felt headaches. Since young, she has been experiencing ringing of the ear. She could not hear herself talking, even though she was talking loudly. Now, there is echo. (Inflammation of the labyrinth). In the process of getting better.
Medical history: Tinnitus (ringing of the ear)
As a Secondary User, she started using the koo energy Sandwich in the day on 28.6.19, after which she noticed that the faeces were blackish. She stopped for a while.
Recently, she resumed koo energy Socks in the night and the day, plus koo energy Sandwich. She felt headaches. Since young, she has been experiencing ringing of the ear. She could not hear herself talking, even though she was talking loudly. Now, there is echo. (Inflammation of the labyrinth). In the process of getting better.
Mother detox with blackish faeces, headaches and ringing of the ear.
After 8 Months
After using the Healing Mat for 8 months, the teenager and his mother shared about the progress.
After using the Healing Mat for 8 months, the teenager and his mother shared about the progress.
Sleep well - Focus - Satisfied - Talk more sense.
Overcoming visual Dyslexia.
Hearing problem resolved.
Detox through pimples and body odour.
Use of Healing Mat for good sleep.
Mother felt he has a mind of his own now.
Mother felt he conveys his message much better now.
Mother related his past visual Dyslexia.
Mother helped with detox management.
Interview Transcript
Sleeping well, focus, satisfied with food intake, talking more sense
Q: Over the past 6 months, you have improved in your sleep?
User: “Yes.”
Q: How has it changed?
User: “I can sleep well, can study, can focus, can use phone, can stop from using.”
Q: When you want to?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Okay, and you used to eat a lot.
User: “Yes.”
Q: What has changed?
User: “Change to eating one bowl.”
Q: Only one bowl?
User: “Sometimes is one bowl.”
Q: But you feel satisfied after that one meal lah?
User: “Yes.”
Q: And you used to talk very little last time?
User: “Yes.”
Q: What was stopping you from talking last time?
User: “Last time is like, I feel like talking to people, later talk more already people will say I talk rubbish.”
Q: Now?
User: “Now I feel like saying a lot.”
Q: No censors?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Just now your mum said that you are arguing a lot more now?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Why is that so? Are you thinking better now?
User: “Yes.”
Q: In terms of your processing, you think you have improved in your thinking speed?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Clearer?
User: “Yes, clearer.”
Q: Are you organised in your arguments? You think you are a good debater?
User: “No.”
Q: Can polish?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Are you able to think clearly what you want to say?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Okay very good! And last time you say you will dose off in class?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Nowadays do you dose off in class?
User: “No, don’t have.”
Q: And you are able to cope the whole day without coffee?
User: “Yes.”
Q: How about your eating habits? Any difference now? In terms of your choice of food.
User: “No, no difference.”
Q:Any cravings?
User: “No.”
Q: Okay, that is very good.
Reading problem resolved
User: “Last time is like always need time to find the words, now I can see when I write.”
Q: You are not short-sighted right?
User: “No.”
Q: Okay so you can see very clearly these days.
User: “Yah.” Okay very good!
Overcoming visual Dyslexia
Q: You used to have dyslexia due to your vision issues. What kind of challenges were you having then?
User: “Cannot stay focused. Then study a while you will fall asleep, but now is like I can study properly, can stay focused.”
Q: How long can you focus now?
User: “Study like one to two hours.”
Q: In the past?
User: “In the past is like 30 minutes then I fall asleep already.”
Q: It’s because you are using a lot of energy to focus.
User: “Yes.”
Q: But now do you find it easier to read?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Okay very good.
Hearing problem resolved
Q: How has your hearing changed over the past 6 months?
User: “Last time is like I cannot hear properly. If people want to say, say a bit louder. But now, if people say very softly, I can still hear.”
Q: Okay so do you still need to find time to go and do your annual check up?
User: “No.”
Q: No need ah, can hear clearly already?
User: “Can hear clearly.”
Q: In school do you have a classroom style or lecture style?
User: “Classroom style.”
Q: So you are okay with your teacher’s projection?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Okay that’s good!
Detox through pimples and body odour
Q: How do you detox?
User: “I ownself go and make the blood out.”
Q: Where do you see this blood discharge? Or when you feel the pain?
User: “Yah when I feel the pain then I will.”
Q: At the back or in front?
User: “At the back.”
Q: So it’s actually at the back, so you have never seen what it looks like?
User: “No.”
Q: Ever tried taking a picture?
User: “No.”
Q: Ask you mum to take a picture and show me yah. Any inflammation? That means like any pus?
User: “Sometimes.”
Q: How do you tell? You wipe it?
User: “Yah, with tissue.”
Q: Is there blood?
User: “Yes.”
Q: How long was it there?
User: “A few seconds.”
Q: The blood lah. But the whole patch of it, how many months has it been doing this discharge? One month or two months?
User: “I think one month or two months.”
Q: Still have or not?
User: “Still have.”
Q: Okay, tonight ask your mum to take a picture for me.
Q: How about your chest? Have any clear up? You used to have your chest area affected right, a lot of pimples right.
User: “Yah, now clear up already.”
Q: Okay, and your face?
User: “Face, a bit.”
Q: Now left with a bit lah, there was a time there was a lot right?
User: “Yea.”
Q: Did you have a picture?
User: “No.”
Q: Okay, besides that, do you have mucus?
User: “No.”
Q: Nosebleed?
User: “No.”
Q: Nothing?
User: “Don’t have.”
Q: Discharge through your perspiration? Do you smell your body odour?
User: “I cannot smell but my parents say they can smell.”
Q: That is intensive detox. So let it go, but try to improve by your extended use, use more. Did you take a break in between?
User: “Don’t have.”
Q: You are still using it lah, just that you didn’t turn on the heat lah.
User: “Yea.”
Use of Healing Mat for Good Sleep
Q: You’ve been using the sleep therapy over the past 6 months, have you been consistent? Do you use it every night?
User: “Yes, I use every night.”
Q: Okay, but do you heat it up every night?
User: “No.”
Q: Why didn’t you heat up every night?
User: “Sometimes very lazy to turn on the switch.”
Q: Okay that’s very honest. And that’s because you are very tired?
User: “Yes.”
Q: When you turn on the heat, what level do you use?
User: “I use level 8.”
Q: Now you are using level 8, for how long?
User: “6 hours.”
Q: Do you feel charged up when you wake up?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Can go to school without throwing tantrums?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Do you wake up naturally?
User: “I wake up naturally.”
Q: No alarm?
User: “Got alarm.”
Q: But you can wake up when the alarm rings lah.
User: “Yes.”
Q: Okay good, so how do you want to improve on your sleep therapy? Any room for improvement? Can you try to increase your usage in the day by bringing it into the living room? Is it feasible?
User: “Can.”
Q: A bit troublesome right?
User: “Yea.”
Q: Can you bear with a little trouble? For the benefit of your mum lah.
User: *nods head*
Mother felt he is speaking more and has a mind of his own now
Q: What do you think is his challenge now?
Mother: "The challenge is: he is speaking more and asking for more things. Hee has some opinions of his own. Unlike in the past when he just listen to what we told him, and he would just do it. Now he speaks, we have to listen, and we have to accept it."
Yes, because he is quite old enough and often has his own ideas. In fact, this is due to his own ability to think now, so it is a good thing.
Mother felt he conveys his message much clearly now
Q: What is the difference between the way he communicates now, compared to the past?
Mother: "A lot better."
Q: What was his problem in the past?
Mother: "He used to say only two or three sentences. If you speak afterwards, he would just stop there. It seemed like he could not continue the conversation any further."
Q: Do you mean he could not defend himself in speech?
Mother: "It seemed like there was nothing much he could say to continue the conversation. Now if you speak one sentence, he will refute you with ten sentences, until you feel like that's enough."
Q: Do you think you understand what he said?
Mother: "I understand. There are more valid points than before."
Q: Is there content?
Mother: "Yes, there is more content now. Because he has the ability to organise his thoughts now."
Mother: "He is no longer like the past when he would shout loudly in order to win. Now sometimes, he will still shout, but I feel that what he is expressing in words has more meaning and content now."
Q: So it just makes sense now. In the past, he could not state the reason clearly, but now he could express the reason.
Mother: "Now, he can tell us what he wants to express, with a little more clarity. In the past, he could not express."
Mother related his past visual Dyslexia
Mother: "He had Dyslexia. When the assessment was conducted, we were told about his Dyslexia. Whenever there were three or four lines in a passage, if he stopped short at a certain line, he could not continue from where he stopped. He had to start all over again. The doctor concluded: he was not able to locate clearly a specific word within a passage. Something wrong with his eyes. Words seemed to jump when he looked at them."
Q: When he is studying and looking at words now, does he still have such complaints? Did you know that he had such a problem before you took him to the doctor?
Mother: "No, I knew he had this problem only after I took him to the doctor. Because very often, whenever I talked about studies, he was not able to locate the words. I thought he was not simply not interested in reading, and just was not serious about work, until the doctor told us about this Dyslexia problem. Nowadays, he told me he is okay with reading."
Q: Very good, because the energy reading of his eyes has improved a lot indeed.
Mother helped with detox management of acne-like outbreak on the back and the chest
Q: At that time, you sent me a photo regarding his back and his chest having an outbreak that looked like acne. How long did that last?
Mother: "After the first round of detox, it erupted again three months later. Rather serious. It lasted for two weeks - one week before and then one week after first day of Chinese New Year. During the entire period, there were many big and small ones on his back and all over his chest."
Q: Why did he alarm you?
Mother: "Because there was this particular big one that broke while he was rubbing it and it bled. He sought my help to help clean it."
Q: Otherwise he would have handled the matter himself?
Mother: "Yes, otherwise, he would just ignore it and poke with his hands. As if digging out a small grain, he would just use his hand to remove it. It was so big and hurting him, yet not visible. In addition, it was having fluid discharge. He did not know how to deal with it, especially since he could not see it at all."
Q: Did he ever have them (acne) on his face too?
Mother: "Yes, there were quite a lot last month, but it is better now."
Q: Remember to remind him to apply that koo energy Spray.
Q: Over the past 6 months, you have improved in your sleep?
User: “Yes.”
Q: How has it changed?
User: “I can sleep well, can study, can focus, can use phone, can stop from using.”
Q: When you want to?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Okay, and you used to eat a lot.
User: “Yes.”
Q: What has changed?
User: “Change to eating one bowl.”
Q: Only one bowl?
User: “Sometimes is one bowl.”
Q: But you feel satisfied after that one meal lah?
User: “Yes.”
Q: And you used to talk very little last time?
User: “Yes.”
Q: What was stopping you from talking last time?
User: “Last time is like, I feel like talking to people, later talk more already people will say I talk rubbish.”
Q: Now?
User: “Now I feel like saying a lot.”
Q: No censors?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Just now your mum said that you are arguing a lot more now?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Why is that so? Are you thinking better now?
User: “Yes.”
Q: In terms of your processing, you think you have improved in your thinking speed?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Clearer?
User: “Yes, clearer.”
Q: Are you organised in your arguments? You think you are a good debater?
User: “No.”
Q: Can polish?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Are you able to think clearly what you want to say?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Okay very good! And last time you say you will dose off in class?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Nowadays do you dose off in class?
User: “No, don’t have.”
Q: And you are able to cope the whole day without coffee?
User: “Yes.”
Q: How about your eating habits? Any difference now? In terms of your choice of food.
User: “No, no difference.”
Q:Any cravings?
User: “No.”
Q: Okay, that is very good.
Reading problem resolved
User: “Last time is like always need time to find the words, now I can see when I write.”
Q: You are not short-sighted right?
User: “No.”
Q: Okay so you can see very clearly these days.
User: “Yah.” Okay very good!
Overcoming visual Dyslexia
Q: You used to have dyslexia due to your vision issues. What kind of challenges were you having then?
User: “Cannot stay focused. Then study a while you will fall asleep, but now is like I can study properly, can stay focused.”
Q: How long can you focus now?
User: “Study like one to two hours.”
Q: In the past?
User: “In the past is like 30 minutes then I fall asleep already.”
Q: It’s because you are using a lot of energy to focus.
User: “Yes.”
Q: But now do you find it easier to read?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Okay very good.
Hearing problem resolved
Q: How has your hearing changed over the past 6 months?
User: “Last time is like I cannot hear properly. If people want to say, say a bit louder. But now, if people say very softly, I can still hear.”
Q: Okay so do you still need to find time to go and do your annual check up?
User: “No.”
Q: No need ah, can hear clearly already?
User: “Can hear clearly.”
Q: In school do you have a classroom style or lecture style?
User: “Classroom style.”
Q: So you are okay with your teacher’s projection?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Okay that’s good!
Detox through pimples and body odour
Q: How do you detox?
User: “I ownself go and make the blood out.”
Q: Where do you see this blood discharge? Or when you feel the pain?
User: “Yah when I feel the pain then I will.”
Q: At the back or in front?
User: “At the back.”
Q: So it’s actually at the back, so you have never seen what it looks like?
User: “No.”
Q: Ever tried taking a picture?
User: “No.”
Q: Ask you mum to take a picture and show me yah. Any inflammation? That means like any pus?
User: “Sometimes.”
Q: How do you tell? You wipe it?
User: “Yah, with tissue.”
Q: Is there blood?
User: “Yes.”
Q: How long was it there?
User: “A few seconds.”
Q: The blood lah. But the whole patch of it, how many months has it been doing this discharge? One month or two months?
User: “I think one month or two months.”
Q: Still have or not?
User: “Still have.”
Q: Okay, tonight ask your mum to take a picture for me.
Q: How about your chest? Have any clear up? You used to have your chest area affected right, a lot of pimples right.
User: “Yah, now clear up already.”
Q: Okay, and your face?
User: “Face, a bit.”
Q: Now left with a bit lah, there was a time there was a lot right?
User: “Yea.”
Q: Did you have a picture?
User: “No.”
Q: Okay, besides that, do you have mucus?
User: “No.”
Q: Nosebleed?
User: “No.”
Q: Nothing?
User: “Don’t have.”
Q: Discharge through your perspiration? Do you smell your body odour?
User: “I cannot smell but my parents say they can smell.”
Q: That is intensive detox. So let it go, but try to improve by your extended use, use more. Did you take a break in between?
User: “Don’t have.”
Q: You are still using it lah, just that you didn’t turn on the heat lah.
User: “Yea.”
Use of Healing Mat for Good Sleep
Q: You’ve been using the sleep therapy over the past 6 months, have you been consistent? Do you use it every night?
User: “Yes, I use every night.”
Q: Okay, but do you heat it up every night?
User: “No.”
Q: Why didn’t you heat up every night?
User: “Sometimes very lazy to turn on the switch.”
Q: Okay that’s very honest. And that’s because you are very tired?
User: “Yes.”
Q: When you turn on the heat, what level do you use?
User: “I use level 8.”
Q: Now you are using level 8, for how long?
User: “6 hours.”
Q: Do you feel charged up when you wake up?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Can go to school without throwing tantrums?
User: “Yes.”
Q: Do you wake up naturally?
User: “I wake up naturally.”
Q: No alarm?
User: “Got alarm.”
Q: But you can wake up when the alarm rings lah.
User: “Yes.”
Q: Okay good, so how do you want to improve on your sleep therapy? Any room for improvement? Can you try to increase your usage in the day by bringing it into the living room? Is it feasible?
User: “Can.”
Q: A bit troublesome right?
User: “Yea.”
Q: Can you bear with a little trouble? For the benefit of your mum lah.
User: *nods head*
Mother felt he is speaking more and has a mind of his own now
Q: What do you think is his challenge now?
Mother: "The challenge is: he is speaking more and asking for more things. Hee has some opinions of his own. Unlike in the past when he just listen to what we told him, and he would just do it. Now he speaks, we have to listen, and we have to accept it."
Yes, because he is quite old enough and often has his own ideas. In fact, this is due to his own ability to think now, so it is a good thing.
Mother felt he conveys his message much clearly now
Q: What is the difference between the way he communicates now, compared to the past?
Mother: "A lot better."
Q: What was his problem in the past?
Mother: "He used to say only two or three sentences. If you speak afterwards, he would just stop there. It seemed like he could not continue the conversation any further."
Q: Do you mean he could not defend himself in speech?
Mother: "It seemed like there was nothing much he could say to continue the conversation. Now if you speak one sentence, he will refute you with ten sentences, until you feel like that's enough."
Q: Do you think you understand what he said?
Mother: "I understand. There are more valid points than before."
Q: Is there content?
Mother: "Yes, there is more content now. Because he has the ability to organise his thoughts now."
Mother: "He is no longer like the past when he would shout loudly in order to win. Now sometimes, he will still shout, but I feel that what he is expressing in words has more meaning and content now."
Q: So it just makes sense now. In the past, he could not state the reason clearly, but now he could express the reason.
Mother: "Now, he can tell us what he wants to express, with a little more clarity. In the past, he could not express."
Mother related his past visual Dyslexia
Mother: "He had Dyslexia. When the assessment was conducted, we were told about his Dyslexia. Whenever there were three or four lines in a passage, if he stopped short at a certain line, he could not continue from where he stopped. He had to start all over again. The doctor concluded: he was not able to locate clearly a specific word within a passage. Something wrong with his eyes. Words seemed to jump when he looked at them."
Q: When he is studying and looking at words now, does he still have such complaints? Did you know that he had such a problem before you took him to the doctor?
Mother: "No, I knew he had this problem only after I took him to the doctor. Because very often, whenever I talked about studies, he was not able to locate the words. I thought he was not simply not interested in reading, and just was not serious about work, until the doctor told us about this Dyslexia problem. Nowadays, he told me he is okay with reading."
Q: Very good, because the energy reading of his eyes has improved a lot indeed.
Mother helped with detox management of acne-like outbreak on the back and the chest
Q: At that time, you sent me a photo regarding his back and his chest having an outbreak that looked like acne. How long did that last?
Mother: "After the first round of detox, it erupted again three months later. Rather serious. It lasted for two weeks - one week before and then one week after first day of Chinese New Year. During the entire period, there were many big and small ones on his back and all over his chest."
Q: Why did he alarm you?
Mother: "Because there was this particular big one that broke while he was rubbing it and it bled. He sought my help to help clean it."
Q: Otherwise he would have handled the matter himself?
Mother: "Yes, otherwise, he would just ignore it and poke with his hands. As if digging out a small grain, he would just use his hand to remove it. It was so big and hurting him, yet not visible. In addition, it was having fluid discharge. He did not know how to deal with it, especially since he could not see it at all."
Q: Did he ever have them (acne) on his face too?
Mother: "Yes, there were quite a lot last month, but it is better now."
Q: Remember to remind him to apply that koo energy Spray.