koo Energy 芯片
两个月后: 眼皮的肉瘤缩小了. 脚比较有力.比较有精神. 肚腩小了.
三个月后: 精神比较好. 比较有力. 比较好睡. 免疫力比较好.
十一天后: 两只脚天天地进步起来. 积极排毒中.
五天后: 最大的不同就是我的失眠改善了很多.
三个星期后: 我的黑斑淡了. 脸变白了.
1. In A Nutshell
koo energy Disc takes a revolutionary approach to treating pain and inflammation. Remarkable positive effects can be experienced without using any chemicals or drugs.
With our advanced proprietary technology, we are able to harness and incorporate natural energy into koo energy Disc. Its natural healing benefits include enhancing sleep quality, detoxification, reducing pain and inflammation, increasing energy & vitality, enhancing metabolism coupled and boosted testosterone.
Upon contact with koo energy Disc, the body accesses its stored information, which enters the body’s energy field. This energy field becomes the carrier wave for the stored information, stimulating the acupuncture points, similar to needles would do in acupuncture.
With our advanced proprietary technology, we are able to harness and incorporate natural energy into koo energy Disc. Its natural healing benefits include enhancing sleep quality, detoxification, reducing pain and inflammation, increasing energy & vitality, enhancing metabolism coupled and boosted testosterone.
Upon contact with koo energy Disc, the body accesses its stored information, which enters the body’s energy field. This energy field becomes the carrier wave for the stored information, stimulating the acupuncture points, similar to needles would do in acupuncture.
2. What Is Scalar Energy?
Scalar energy is formed when two identical electromagnetic waves from opposite paths converge. When these energy vectors meet, the equal frequencies cancel each other out, leaving a static or stationary energy field with zero frequency.
Scalar energy increases every hydrogen atom’s energy covalent level in the body. This is important because hydrogen bonds are crucial to our body’s ecosystem as they hold our DNA together. In other words, using scalar energy can protect DNA from damage.
This energy helps in cleansing blood cells, thus enhancing cell functions.
Scalar energy carries information in the form of subtle energy frequencies, which can break down any molecular bonds of pathogens. Besides healing human and pet, koo energy Disc also protects the body from external influences. It also helps in neutralizing harmful man-made electromagnetic frequencies and radiations emitted by mobile phone and other electronic appliance, that can lead to imbalances and illnesses.
Scalar energy increases every hydrogen atom’s energy covalent level in the body. This is important because hydrogen bonds are crucial to our body’s ecosystem as they hold our DNA together. In other words, using scalar energy can protect DNA from damage.
This energy helps in cleansing blood cells, thus enhancing cell functions.
Scalar energy carries information in the form of subtle energy frequencies, which can break down any molecular bonds of pathogens. Besides healing human and pet, koo energy Disc also protects the body from external influences. It also helps in neutralizing harmful man-made electromagnetic frequencies and radiations emitted by mobile phone and other electronic appliance, that can lead to imbalances and illnesses.
3. What Is Electro-Pollution?
We are constantly exposed to “electro-pollution” - the exposure to radiation that is released from electronic devices. This pollution has negative effects on our body’s function, causing an imbalance in the electrical properties of our cells, thus weakening their ability to perform their function effectively, thereby resulting in higher level of stress and lower level of stamina.
4. How Are Scalar Energy And Classical Electromagnetic Waves Different?
- Scalar energy can pass through solid metal objects without any problem but electromagnetic waves cannot pass through solid metal objects without losing power
- Scalar energy does not lose any power over long distances whereas electromagnetic waves tend to lose power over distance
- Scalar energy encompasses a field and is longitudinal wave while electromagnetic waves travel as waves and are transverse
5. Everything Is Energy. Even You.
Cell’s energy is measured in millivolts. Healthiest cells have transmembrane voltages between 70 and 90 millivolts. Below this range, degenerative diseases start to develop. Cancer cells measure from 15 to 20 millivolts. Charge the body with the right frequencies so as to prevent diseases. By increasing the cell’s energy, you optimize your health.
Scalar energy works at a quantum level to deconstruct the pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa within the body. Once the pathogen falls apart, it is no longer harmful to human. Once the cause of an illness or disease is eliminated, the symptoms gradually reduce or even vanish.
Scalar energy works at a quantum level to deconstruct the pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa within the body. Once the pathogen falls apart, it is no longer harmful to human. Once the cause of an illness or disease is eliminated, the symptoms gradually reduce or even vanish.
6. How Does Scalar Energy Enhance Health?
Scalar energy is cumulative in body cells.
The higher the level of scalar energy in the cells, the more capable the cells are in absorbing nutrients and eliminating toxins. Optimal cellular energy greatly enhances the immune system and boosts the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
The more you use scalar energy, the sooner the energy level of the cells reaches the ideal 70 to 90 millivolt level, thus enhancing your immune system and your body’s ability to neutralize the surrounding man-make frequencies (50~60 cycles).
The higher the level of scalar energy in the cells, the more capable the cells are in absorbing nutrients and eliminating toxins. Optimal cellular energy greatly enhances the immune system and boosts the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
The more you use scalar energy, the sooner the energy level of the cells reaches the ideal 70 to 90 millivolt level, thus enhancing your immune system and your body’s ability to neutralize the surrounding man-make frequencies (50~60 cycles).
7. How Does koo energy Disc Work?
Scalar energy is embedded in koo energy Disc.
koo energy Disc restores balance to the cells’ electrical properties. This restoration promotes natural healing, as your body’s cells can now actively perform their jobs.
koo energy Disc provides consistent scalar energy for life and does not weaken over time.
Reports showed that people using koo energy Disc find relief from chronic fatigue, headaches, digestion troubles, fibromyalgia, skin problems, sleep disorders, anxiety and stress issues, arthritis, herpes and other health problems caused by bacteria, virus (including Epstein-Barr Virus), fungi, protozoa and parasites.
koo energy Disc elevates energy at a cellular level. The more energy in the body, the more nutrients are absorbed into the body, while more toxins and waste matters are eliminated out of the body.
Studies showed that degenerative diseases can occur when the cellular energy is below a certain threshold. koo energy Disc can also be used to help combat lowered cellular energy levels.
koo energy Disc restores balance to the cells’ electrical properties. This restoration promotes natural healing, as your body’s cells can now actively perform their jobs.
koo energy Disc provides consistent scalar energy for life and does not weaken over time.
Reports showed that people using koo energy Disc find relief from chronic fatigue, headaches, digestion troubles, fibromyalgia, skin problems, sleep disorders, anxiety and stress issues, arthritis, herpes and other health problems caused by bacteria, virus (including Epstein-Barr Virus), fungi, protozoa and parasites.
koo energy Disc elevates energy at a cellular level. The more energy in the body, the more nutrients are absorbed into the body, while more toxins and waste matters are eliminated out of the body.
Studies showed that degenerative diseases can occur when the cellular energy is below a certain threshold. koo energy Disc can also be used to help combat lowered cellular energy levels.
8. Benefits of koo energy Disc?
Results witnessed by users are sufficient in proving that scalar energy is a safe option for healing. Scalar energy is here to revolutionize the way severe health conditions are treated.
Scalar energy has positive outcomes on our body and mind, rejuvenating overall bodily functions and mental health.
Scalar energy:
Improvement can be experienced in
Scalar energy has positive outcomes on our body and mind, rejuvenating overall bodily functions and mental health.
Scalar energy:
- Balances the two halves of the brain as verified by EEG tests
- Cleanses the blood, improving chylomicron levels, triglyceride profiles and fibrin patterns
- Eliminate and nullify the effects of man-made frequencies (50~60 cycles) in the body.
- Improves the Increases the energy that holds hydrogen bonds of DNA together as verified by spectrographs. In other words, using scalar energy can protect DNA from damage
- Promotes blood flow with increased oxygen being circulated in the body.
- Reduces inflammation in the body.
- Regulates blood pressure.
Improvement can be experienced in
- Cell wall permeability, causing cell membranes to vibrate an electrical charge that allows better intake of nutrients and discharge of toxins and waste
- Cognitive functions
- Energy, strength, stamina and endurance
- Immune function by as much as 140% as proven in laboratory tests
- Management of stress and anxiety
- Mental focus and affects neurotransmitters, acting as a natural antidepressant for the brain,
shown by EEG tests (increased in amplitude of frequencies) - Spiritual, physical and mental well-being including good mood, reduced stress and anxiety levels
- Overall body energy levels as a result of energizing the body’s trillions cells to the ideal healthy 70-90 millivolt range
9. Recommendation
koo energy Disc improves the overall wellness and health of individuals.
Think of it as recharging a battery. You feel rejuvenated and refreshed once charged.
The more pieces of koo energy Disc you use, the greater the positive effect it will have.
They will elevate your energy at a cellular level more rapidly than using a single piece.
Think of it as recharging a battery. You feel rejuvenated and refreshed once charged.
The more pieces of koo energy Disc you use, the greater the positive effect it will have.
They will elevate your energy at a cellular level more rapidly than using a single piece.
活力芯片 ( 红 )
如果您有以下的症状或需求,此 Vitality Disc 活力芯片就适合您:
> 您想要更有力、更多的活力、体力、精力、耐力,并取得更好的平衡。
> 您是一名运动员、运动爱好者、或年长者。
> 您过着久坐的生活方式。
> 您希望减少乳酸的堆积,修复运动所带来的耗损,以更快地恢复体能。
> 您想减缓衰老退化过程。
> 您希望身体的 7 个主要腺体,取得平衡。
> 您想要提高记忆力、智力和专注力。
> 您想要减少肌肉疲劳。
1. 为了达到更好的功效,强烈推荐将活力芯片与疗愈芯片一起佩戴。
2. Vitality Disc 活力芯片促进运动表现和身体活动。虽然,您可以佩戴活力芯片睡觉,但这并不太理想。睡觉时,佩戴 Deep Sleep Disc 疗愈更合适。
3. koo energy Disc 芯片 已通过一所著名美国大学的临床测试,并在日本获得专利。全球已有许多用户都在短时间内,体验到了其功效。
规格:直径 2.7cm
> 您想要更有力、更多的活力、体力、精力、耐力,并取得更好的平衡。
> 您是一名运动员、运动爱好者、或年长者。
> 您过着久坐的生活方式。
> 您希望减少乳酸的堆积,修复运动所带来的耗损,以更快地恢复体能。
> 您想减缓衰老退化过程。
> 您希望身体的 7 个主要腺体,取得平衡。
> 您想要提高记忆力、智力和专注力。
> 您想要减少肌肉疲劳。
1. 为了达到更好的功效,强烈推荐将活力芯片与疗愈芯片一起佩戴。
2. Vitality Disc 活力芯片促进运动表现和身体活动。虽然,您可以佩戴活力芯片睡觉,但这并不太理想。睡觉时,佩戴 Deep Sleep Disc 疗愈更合适。
3. koo energy Disc 芯片 已通过一所著名美国大学的临床测试,并在日本获得专利。全球已有许多用户都在短时间内,体验到了其功效。
规格:直径 2.7cm
深沉睡眠芯片 ( 蓝 )
如果您有以下的症状或需求,此 Deep Sleep Disc 深层睡眠芯片就适合您:
> 您的睡眠品质不佳。
> 您希望每天醒来时,神清气爽、精力充沛。
> 您想要预防与睡眠相关的健康问题。
> 您想要拥有更清晰的头脑和更好的记忆力
1. 睡眠不足会导致事故
2. 睡眠不足会减慢你的速度
3. 睡眠不足会导致严重的健康问题
4. 睡眠不足会损害性欲
5. 睡眠不足会导致临床抑郁症
6. 睡眠不足会使皮肤老化
7. 睡眠不足会让你注意力不集中并缩短注意力持续时间
8. 睡眠不足会导致体重增加
9. 睡眠不足可能会增加死亡风险
10. 睡眠不足会影响我们的判断力、辨别力和概念化能力
在最近发布的一份报告中,新加坡在 43 个睡眠不足的城市中排名第三。只有东京和首尔的人们睡眠时间比新加坡人少。
世界睡眠日 2024 年 3 月 15 日
2024 年睡眠统计
睡眠问题:全球新出现的流行病? WHO
Is an epidemic of sleeplessness increasing the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease?
规格:直径 2.7cm
> 您的睡眠品质不佳。
> 您希望每天醒来时,神清气爽、精力充沛。
> 您想要预防与睡眠相关的健康问题。
> 您想要拥有更清晰的头脑和更好的记忆力
1. 睡眠不足会导致事故
2. 睡眠不足会减慢你的速度
3. 睡眠不足会导致严重的健康问题
4. 睡眠不足会损害性欲
5. 睡眠不足会导致临床抑郁症
6. 睡眠不足会使皮肤老化
7. 睡眠不足会让你注意力不集中并缩短注意力持续时间
8. 睡眠不足会导致体重增加
9. 睡眠不足可能会增加死亡风险
10. 睡眠不足会影响我们的判断力、辨别力和概念化能力
在最近发布的一份报告中,新加坡在 43 个睡眠不足的城市中排名第三。只有东京和首尔的人们睡眠时间比新加坡人少。
世界睡眠日 2024 年 3 月 15 日
2024 年睡眠统计
睡眠问题:全球新出现的流行病? WHO
Is an epidemic of sleeplessness increasing the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease?
规格:直径 2.7cm
瘦身减重芯片 ( 橙 )
抗老年轻芯片 ( 紫 )
5G 护身芯片
如果您有以下的症状或需求,此 5G Protect Disc 5G护身芯片就适合您:
> 您想要抵消因使用手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑和无线设备而产生的有害电磁污染。 > 您想要中和因使用手机而产生的电磁应力。 > 您想要安心、安全地操作电子设备。 5G保护盘放在哪里? 与其他彩色芯片不同,5G保护光盘粘附在蜡纸上。 您可以通过以下任一方式放置 5G 护身芯片: 1. 撕下蜡纸,将5G 护身芯片粘贴在手机、平板电脑背面或笔记本电脑触控板附近。 2. 将整张5G 护身芯片连同蜡纸一起放入手机套内。这种方法的好处是,当您更换手机时,可以重复使用这张5G 护身芯片。 请注意,5G 护身芯片并不旨在阻止电话/Wi-Fi 信号。否则,该设备将根本无法正常操作。5G 护身芯片旨在阻止电磁污染对身体造成破坏。 |
接触手机前后以及接触 备有 5G 护身芯片的手机后的血液
规格:直径 2.7cm
规格:直径 2.7cm
25cm and 35cm Band. Width 5.5cm
a. 日本东丽生产的弹性魔术贴面料。
b. 经过认证的有机棉面料。更柔软,更舒适。非常适合皮肤敏感或过敏的用户。
a. 日本东丽生产的弹性魔术贴面料。
b. 经过认证的有机棉面料。更柔软,更舒适。非常适合皮肤敏感或过敏的用户。
- 吊坠注入了 Scalar Energy
- 吊坠可存储多达 10 芯片
- 加强肺部和心脏
- 调节脉率
- 缓解消化不良引起的胸闷
- 改善血液循环和氧气供应
- 改善警觉性
- 提高精神和耐力
购买 |
能量芯片 |
3-10 |
11-20 |
21-30 |
销售回扣 |
10% |
30% |
60% |
免费赠送 |
能量带 (25/35cm) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
能量吊坠 |
- |
- |
1 |
商品 |
单价美元 |
能量芯片 |
129 |
能量带 (25/35cm) |
25 |
能量吊坠 |
25 |
能量卡 |
299 |
能量珠 |
229 |
退款政策:7天全額退款。信用卡付款需支付 4% 手續費。不得打開包裝,不得使用商品。需使用原包裝退回。買方負責退貨運費以及運輸過程中對退回商品造成的任何損壞。